If We Knew Then What We Know Now!

Should have stocked up on L-88's and ZL-1's back in 1970!


Fuck THAT, buy all the damn MSFT you could in '87? or so on the IPO.....

just 20 grand would have been dooable for me and the ex.....today we be worth what??? 2 million something stupid like that....

instead I have made exactly every rong call on money over the last 20 years,

can't win.....
I would not have all of this hardware implanted in my body :crutches:

Actually momma told me not to do it,but who listens to there mothers :suspicious:
Instead of blowing all my money and frying my brains with all them drugs, I would have...uh..

I would.....uh.....


What were we talking about?