injector ID


Apr 1, 2008
Sturgeon, MO
I have a 1982 crossfire corvette. Can anyone tell me how to ID the lbs of the injectors?

I once found a chart that showed all injector sizes but cannot locate.

Any help will be appreciated.

I THINK 5oh motorsports had a site that rated all those things....

very large dealer in injectors....
- You can identify the injectors you have from the numbers stamped on them
There is a part number and a date stamped on the top of the injector.
Part number format: GM523xxxx*RPD, where RPD = Rochester Products Devision, xxxx is dependant of injector size and application (see table)
- Date format: xyyz, where x = month, yy = day, z = year (1=January, 2=Ferbruary, 3=March, 4=April, 5=Mai, 6=June, 7=July, 8=August, 9=September, O=October, N=Novermber, D=December) .
For example: 8202 = August 20th, 1982


L83 injectors (350 Cross-Fire)
GM5233770*RPD (rear)
GM5233775*RPD (front

LU5 injectors (305 Cross-Fire)
GM5234255*RPD (front)
GM5233765*RPD (rear)

App | Part # NEW | Part # REMAN'D

350 CFI *rear* | 57204 | 27629
350 CFI *front* | 57205 | 27636
350 2bbl Truck | 57202 | 27620
454 2bbl Truck (89) | 57021 | 27625
454 2bbl Truck (92) | 57229 | (none)
305 2bbl F-body (88) | 57020 | 27623
305 CFI *rear* | 57220 | 27626
305 CFI *front* | 57203 | 27632

When you're looking for 454 injectors:
92 454 Chevy Pickup

Injector sizes: (in ml/cycle)

350 CFI Rear: 114
350 CFI Front: 111
350 2bbl truck: 103
454 2bbl early: 124
454 2bbl late: 129
305 F-body: 91
305 CFI Rear: 101
305 CFI Front: 100
Hey Guys.

I'm starting a new injector business. I am finalizing the details as we speak. I will provide lifetime warrantee on all reman injectors. I can do custom injector sizes if you need it. I will have new injectors. I can do marine injectors, import injectors, harley injectors, and special application injectors. Any size, any application.

All injector sets will be flow matched and warranted as long as you own the car.

Prices will be practically wholesale, as I am selling to auto parts houses at the same price I can sell to you guys for.

I'm sick of working for people, I don't take direction well, can you believe it.

I feel a bit like a whore here, doing this, but if you need injectors, I can be temped to do first set free to see how you like them. The remans come out like new not like they came out of a junkyard.

I am tying up the loose ends, finishing up the website, and will be on line in the next couple weeks.

To the OP if you want to send me your existing injectors, I'll rebuild them N/C so you can be the first to try them out. Makes me feel like less of a whore.

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Jsup, if you serious, I have some 4 sets of 21-24 lbs injectors to fit my lt1/L98 induction....

I have a rough idle that has been put off for a while now....since the fuel issues...

so I will send you all the injectors for a set of good 24 's.....

maybe 26? if you can find them....but my computer is tuned for the ever popular 24's....dunno if that old computer can keep up with the new ones...course I could trim the FP down a tad...I suppose...

I even pay postage...both ways...

Jsup, if you serious, I have some 4 sets of 21-24 lbs injectors to fit my lt1/L98 induction....

I have a rough idle that has been put off for a while now....since the fuel issues...

so I will send you all the injectors for a set of good 24 's.....

maybe 26? if you can find them....but my computer is tuned for the ever popular 24's....dunno if that old computer can keep up with the new ones...course I could trim the FP down a tad...I suppose...

I even pay postage...both ways...


Tell you what Gene, a full set of 24s with a lifetime warrantee is $189. I don't really need the cores, but I'll take them. I'll send you a set of rebuilt 24s flow matched and rebuilt, free. If you want a CUSTOM flow rate, of 26 say, I'll do it for $100, for all 8. It's time and labor. 24s are off the shelf. Because they are custom, they are harder to flow match exactly. Just so you know. But you will get a flow sheet.

What I ask in return is for your HONEST opinion of the quality of the work that goes into these and your impressions of the product, and that you tell all your friends. I'm not commercially up just yet, but by the time your review is ready, I'll be really close. I put a lot of time and effort into this and I am confident of the quality of the product.

You send me $25 for shipping, and we're even. How's that?

Hope I'm not whoring here.

You let me know.
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To the OP, I'll rebuild both those injectors for shipping costs. There's only 2 injectors on a cross fire if I remember correctly.

Let me know.
Jsup, if you serious, I have some 4 sets of 21-24 lbs injectors to fit my lt1/L98 induction....

I have a rough idle that has been put off for a while now....since the fuel issues...

so I will send you all the injectors for a set of good 24 's.....

maybe 26? if you can find them....but my computer is tuned for the ever popular 24's....dunno if that old computer can keep up with the new ones...course I could trim the FP down a tad...I suppose...

I even pay postage...both ways...


Tell you what Gene, a full set of 24s with a lifetime warrantee is $189. I don't really need the cores, but I'll take them. I'll send you a set of rebuilt 24s flow matched and rebuilt, free. If you want a CUSTOM flow rate, of 26 say, I'll do it for $100, for all 8. It's time and labor. 24s are off the shelf. Because they are custom, they are harder to flow match exactly. Just so you know. But you will get a flow sheet.

What I ask in return is for your HONEST opinion of the quality of the work that goes into these and your impressions of the product, and that you tell all your friends. I'm not commercially up just yet, but by the time your review is ready, I'll be really close. I put a lot of time and effort into this and I am confident of the quality of the product.

You send me $25 for shipping, and we're even. How's that?

Hope I'm not whoring here.

You let me know.

Make me a offer I can't refuse....

Eugene A. Slater
341 Neptune Rd.
Orange Park, Florida 32073.....

somehow I sure you maybe able to use the cores....up to you...

I send PP or check, as you sweat....24's are easy do, leave over with it....good till 350 hp, apparently....good enough....

one of them nasty little details left over to the fuel problems....I guarantee one thing, that the tank will be sanitary and dry again, before they get installed....and taking glass full of fuel to see if it's really gas and not 1/2 water as in the past.....I dunno you been following some of my escapades over the last 5? years now with this shit, but I"m getting paranoid....

so much so, I"m tempted to install a water separator system like used for a air compressor on the SUCK side of the fuel pump, which is frame mounted...and take out the water/ethanol/what EVER ....

PM Sent Gene.

Got it man, no sweat....

bux on the way tmrw....mail dun dood today....

No problem.. BTW, if your opinion is WRONG, I want them back....:D

:gurney::gurney: LAST damn thing I want to do is eff up a known good set of injectors....I need keep the car running so I sending nearly 3 will see when I get yours and then well, I dunno, paint coming in, but I have more interest in those injectors than any freeking mear PAINT.....

PM Sent Gene.

Got it man, no sweat....

bux on the way tmrw....mail dun dood today....

No problem.. BTW, if your opinion is WRONG, I want them back....:D

:gurney::gurney: LAST damn thing I want to do is eff up a known good set of injectors....I need keep the car running so I sending nearly 3 will see when I get yours and then well, I dunno, paint coming in, but I have more interest in those injectors than any freeking mear PAINT.....


Gene, I know you've had problems with the car for a bit, don't expect magic from injectors. Just wanted to put that out there.
PM Sent Gene.

Got it man, no sweat....

bux on the way tmrw....mail dun dood today....

No problem.. BTW, if your opinion is WRONG, I want them back....:D

:gurney::gurney: LAST damn thing I want to do is eff up a known good set of injectors....I need keep the car running so I sending nearly 3 will see when I get yours and then well, I dunno, paint coming in, but I have more interest in those injectors than any freeking mear PAINT.....


Gene, I know you've had problems with the car for a bit, don't expect magic from injectors. Just wanted to put that out there.

NOT a issue at this point....we talking and I fully aware of many issues with idle quality, and water/fuel problems over the years.....

I know full well what to look for more of that dummy approach....
Jsup I'm new here

Hey Guys.

I'm starting a new injector business. I am finalizing the details as we speak. I will provide lifetime warrantee on all reman injectors. I can do custom injector sizes if you need it. I will have new injectors. I can do marine injectors, import injectors, harley injectors, and special application injectors. Any size, any application.

All injector sets will be flow matched and warranted as long as you own the car.

Prices will be practically wholesale, as I am selling to auto parts houses at the same price I can sell to you guys for.

I'm sick of working for people, I don't take direction well, can you believe it.

I feel a bit like a whore here, doing this, but if you need injectors, I can be temped to do first set free to see how you like them. The remans come out like new not like they came out of a junkyard.

I am tying up the loose ends, finishing up the website, and will be on line in the next couple weeks.

To the OP if you want to send me your existing injectors, I'll rebuild them N/C so you can be the first to try them out. Makes me feel like less of a whore.

I need some info on inj's please.:banghead: