installing power steering

I assume it was manual steering?? so are you going for a 'stock' set up, or a rack/pinion install, or a Borgeson style....power recirc ball box?? I hope either of the latter two....

Going with a stock setup, nothing fancy.
I bought most of a used take off set from a guy on CF.
I've been collecting the remaining pieces, got the last of them yesterday.
I like original type stuff on my car.
gotta gear up for that wonderful 50's to 60's technology!
Starting the install on my 69 small block tonight, should have it back on the road by the weekend.

You have to re-align the front wheels. I didn't after I did my manual to power conversion. The wheels were in an extreme toe-in (toe-out) condition after the conversion. I drove it a half mile or so to a Chevy dealer for re-alignment. It was really hard to steer in a straight line. Had to drive real slow.
well,everything is hung on the car.
tomorrow I'll get everything torqued down and take it for a spin.
It looks so nice, I hope it doesn't leak!
One caution. Do not start the car with you arm through the steering spokes. If the centering valve is too far off center, the hydraulic fluid will flow to the backside of the valve and violently turn the wheel. It can break your arm. Even a new or rebuilt valve body may be out of alignment. George

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