It a good thing I am safer now


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
Monroe, WI
So I am driving threw Dubuque IA today and I want something to eat. So I drive threw Taco Bell and get a nacho bell grandy. As I am making my way threw town now while eating my nachos I hear a reminder that it is now illegal to not only text, but also talk on cell phones while driving. All I can think is damn I am so much safer now that I am not talking on my phone, while I reach for another nacho chip.
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I used to buy totals from the insurance companies and rebuild them.
The vast majority of them had unfinished fast food remnants in the front area.
It's hard to forget that after the car has sat a month or so in the sun until the insur co got ready to release them and you have to clean it all up.
Yeah it just pisses me off that people like to look for something to blame for everything. Yeah a lot of people wreck their cars while talking on the phone, but most of them would just find something else to be doing while they wreck their cars if you take the phone away. Its just pure and simple, some people can't drive! So why punish the rest of us that can chew gum and walk at the same time.
2 things, if you have your top down and a loud enough exhaust you can do NOTHING BUT DRIVE the damn thing......

you can't even HEAR the damn phone RING let alone talk on it, your FOOD is blown all over the place, assuming you are not stuck in traffic....and if the SUN is bright enough, you can't SEE to text over any silly screen....

Its just pure and simple, some people can't drive!
So why punish the rest of us that can CHEW GUM AND WALK at the same time.
I agree.....but I think you should have to prove it ( drive and text or talk ), just like a motorcycle endorsement on your license and PAY for the testing to prove you can drive and multitask.Endorsement should be subject to retest every year or after any accidents or citations.

Test to drive and talk..................................... $100 per year
........ drive , talk and eat................................$200
........ drive , talk , eat and text........................$500
........ drive ,talk,eat,text and put on make-up....$1000
........ and so on.......... :thumbs:
I agree.....but I think you should have to prove it ( drive and text or talk ), just like a motorcycle endorsement on your license and PAY for the testing to prove you can drive and multitask.Endorsement should be subject to retest every year or after any accidents or citations.

Test to drive and talk..................................... $100 per year
........ drive , talk and eat................................$200
........ drive , talk , eat and text........................$500
........ drive ,talk,eat,text and put on make-up....$1000
........ and so on.......... :thumbs:

They should do this for breeding as well....different criteria but same idea.

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