Just bending metal and breaking glass...


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
Fortunately not the Vette.
Yesterday a friend and I were on the other side of town visiting another friend. We had just dropped off a truck we were parting out, so we were in my work truck with my empty trailer attached.
We're on the freeway heading back when this knucklehead gets on the freeway. I have the bare minimum gap in front of me, I like a lot more but in this town any space is an open invitation for someone to cut you off. Anyway, I have about three car lengths in front of me when this clown cuts over. Now he just got on the freeway so he's in the #3 (slow) lane and I'm in the #2 (center) lane. He cuts all the way across the #2 to the #1 (fast) lane, bobbles the car, then cuts all the way back across the #2 lane (by this point I'm jamming on the brakes) back into the #3 lane where he bobbles the car again and shoots back into my lane.
That's when I crunched him.
His car was a 2012 Hyundai, mine a '99 1-ton GMC. I won. But that doesn't make me feel any better. My truck will probably be a write off now because of the age and mileage. Damn shame though because it has just been a great truck. Not sure exactly what the reasoning was, but despite the fact that I hit him from the rear, he was found at fault. That was the right outcome. This all happened in a span of about 100 yards, that's how fast and erratic his lane changes were. When he made the first cut, I said to my friend, "What the hell is this a-ho... Oh $**!!!!"
Not sure how it will all shake out with insurance. Of course, he gets out of his car holding his back so I'm expecting to hear from some ambulance chaser any time. At the time, I was pissed and hopped up on adrenaline so I wasn't feeling anything. Now I'm a little sore and don't know if that's just me working or from the accident.
Fkn A-hole.
That's pretty sad news, I feel sorry for you Gary.
Hope you'll get another a replacement truck on the cheap.
Thanks guys. I have no idea if the guy was charged. I stayed the hell away from him because I was ready to punch him in the head. I know the highway patrol told me he was the one at fault. As for a witness, I had my passenger. Other than that, there were probably at least a dozen other people. Just that none of them stopped.
of course nobody stopped, people just don't give a $hit nowadays... assholes like that need to be removed from public roads and better yet, locked in a little dark cell for a while....
glad to hear you're ok .... how bad is the damage on the truck ? you think they will total it ?? see what they offer, the insurance might be willing to work with you ...
Glad that you are OK - Assholes like that are all too common nowadays - the guy was probably texting and masturbating at the same time. Last time I drove the NJ tpk. I noticed that the fast lane was strictly for people to get into, turn on the cruise control and start texting. WTF!?!?!? And I just LOVE the assholes who get on the highway without turn signals or merging and FORCE their way into the left lane, then ignore the traffic that piles up behind them.

OK - rant over - sorry for hijacking your thread....

Too bad you didn't step on the gas when you felt the crunch - you might have done society a great service!
Take care Gary, hope you feel better soon, wrecks are always a pain in the bootay....:crutches:
I've been thinking about getting a video cam for the dashboard. You can get a GPS data track that doesn't add too much to the price. Looks like one with a lot of bells and whistles can be had for $300. I think just a plain cam will be less than $100. It'd probably be a good investment to avoid liability. The situaion described here by clutchdust is an excellent example of how usefule a cam could be.

A month ago I was driving on a two lane city street that was lined with parked cars on each side. I didn't notice a young teen age girl standing between two parked cars, facing away from the lane I was driving in. Just as I got to where she was standing, she spun around and jumped in front of my car. I was doing about 25 mph. I slammed on the brakes and fully expected to hit her. Luckily she saw me and jumped backward. I must have missed her by inches or less. I fully expected to hear the thump of her body. Even though it was entierly her fault, I would have been sued for a tremendous amount of money and it would have been hard to prove it was her fault. I've been thinking about a cam every since.

Sorry to hear about your crash, Glad that you were not hurt.
Sounds like vegas is as nuts as calif on the freeways. I hope the patrol man put it in the report like it happened.......
I've been thinking about getting a video cam for the dashboard. You can get a GPS data track that doesn't add too much to the price. Looks like one with a lot of bells and whistles can be had for $300. I think just a plain cam will be less than $100. It'd probably be a good investment to avoid liability. The situaion described here by clutchdust is an excellent example of how usefule a cam could be.

A month ago I was driving on a two lane city street that was lined with parked cars on each side. I didn't notice a young teen age girl standing between two parked cars, facing away from the lane I was driving in. Just as I got to where she was standing, she spun around and jumped in front of my car. I was doing about 25 mph. I slammed on the brakes and fully expected to hit her. Luckily she saw me and jumped backward. I must have missed her by inches or less. I fully expected to hear the thump of her body. Even though it was entierly her fault, I would have been sued for a tremendous amount of money and it would have been hard to prove it was her fault. I've been thinking about a cam every since.

I just had this very same discussion earlier today. With all of the people who text and drive I am concerned that my safety and liability issues are at risk. How much memory do these dash cams have? how long do they record for?
I think a defensive driving class would be good for anyone driving a vette. Basically you need to think ahead, plan, and drive like everyone is out to get you.

On the flip side if you are driving a big vehicle you need a big cushion. If someone is acting erratic, slow up and give them room. I have to constantly remind myself my surburban doesn't stop as well as it goes.

Sometimes there's nothing you can do such as this.
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How much memory do these dash cams have? how long do they record for?
Depends on the size of the memory card you put in, probably hours. They usually record in loop, erasing the beginning. Some have G-sensor to secure what's just been recorded in case of crash.

...Sounds like vegas is as nuts as calif on the freeways....
Having driven for 10 years in Paris, I might be biased, but I found people in LA to be surprisingly well behaved behind the wheel.
If the video showed that you were not following at a safe distance, or were driving over the speed limit, you would be at fault even if the other driver's actions caused the accident (contributory negligence, maybe even willful).

If the camera is fixed, it's hard to get a wide enough view to capture what's happening in front of you and still show enough detail to be helpful. However, it couldn't hurt (if you're not breaking any laws), and the video might make you an internet sensation for awhile (search for Dawn Champion motorcycle accident; she's a former co-worker who had the same idea after a number of issues including a hit-and-run, and caught an accident on video. I heard it was even on some of those "greatest crash video" shows).


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