Just saw Valkyre


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
We just watched the movie Valkyre with TC. Since Mrs 'Dust isn't the historian I am, we watched a documentary first. I was stunned at how well they did the movie, and Mrs 'Dust admits that she needed the background from the documentary to make sense of the moive. I cannot figure out why it got so panned when it came out. Maybe not enough explosions and bodies blown apart, I don't know. Either way, they actually did the story justice, and only took small dramatic license here and there. If you haven't seen it, do a little research just to get the groundwork and then watch it. For a TC movie, it was well done.
Yeah, I thought it was pretty good too. As usual these days, the special effects were brilliant but all through the movie I found myself tensed up and urging the good guys on - then I realised that I already knew the ending... :o
I thought it pretty much stank. The original German movie "Walküre" was so much better.
It was watchable ok, just that since I knew the ending without reading up, there was NO suspense....

maybe just ONE benefit of being a old bastard with a somewhat classical education.....

I thought it pretty much stank. The original German movie "Walküre" was so much better.

We saw that one too, and aside from some different dialogue it was pretty much the same movie. I thought the new movie did a little better job with showing/explaining the ripple effect (i.e. with the reserve army) how close they actually came to being successful. And like a poster above, it was frustrating because I kept rooting for the good guys even though we knew how it ended.
I read the book, Valkyrie (In English) . It was written by one of the 9 conspirators who survived the war. It was written by Philipp Von Boeselager.
He joined the conspiracy in 1942, he and his brother, Georg, having been recruited by the group's leader Henning von Tresckow. Phillip and Georg were Calvary unit commanders. It was their role to take their Calvary units to Berlin and control the situation after the execution of Hitler. They didn't want something akin to a civil war to break out and in particular a primary goal was to neutralize Henrich Himmler.

A good bit of the text in Boeselager's book is devoted to his experiences on the Eastern Front (Russia). It was pretty depressing to read of the loss of life. I think in two weeks, in one battle, the Germans had 350,000 casualties. These were mostly just Germans, not themselves nazis or SS.

Winston Churchill characterized WWII as the unnecessary war. It really was. I think before it was over 50 million people died.
A recent book is "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unecessary War, How England lost it's Empire and the West lost the World. by Patrick Buchanon.
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