Land Rover v8 '01 overheating....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
A friend out with an 01 V8 Land Rover, overheating

Rad , pump, and 2-3 LOWER hoses with a Y coupling and somehow they sure the stat is in the lower/suction hose.....and in this chilly 50f weather the POS still over heats.....some how they insist the lower/return hose has the stat built into it in some stupid configuration I never heard of....

So Fernando bought this rig, and Johnny on the phone remembering some issue from 17 year ago with his '68 GTO.....and hoping I can come out with a rabbit outta the hat I asking....

BTW two of the stats/hoses are from one MFG at say 80- bux each, and another from ISRAEL supposedly for ~110 bux....all 3 same shit....

water pump is 130 bux, and been changed already....

top hose is HOT, bottom hose is cold/cool engine overheating.....

rad/pump/stat-hoses are new.....

I think to just put in a kludge in the bottom hose, with no stat, and see what happens.....

who in hell ever puts a stat in the return hose to the engine???

I not seen the vehicle, but going by a phone call a few minits ago....

blown head gasket.

story time.
My first 215 aluminum motor was in a 1962 Buick Skylark, in the winter I drove in a sleeping bag because the motor would never warm up enough to get the heater core warm.

the only other alternative is he didn't bleed the system, but they don't go from working to not working because the system suddenly got air in it. D2s are notorious for blowing head gaskets, they don't have to blow into the block, my D2 had a leak on the passenger rear facing outward. The news doesn't get better from here - it's a $1500 to $3000 repair.
Ditch the rover thermostat for an inline setup...
Lower rad hose from an 05 (I think) BMW 330i
I forget the part # of the upper hose I used to go from motor to thermo housing.
Its a sbc thermostat and a Meziere housing, 1.25" hose dia

Proper bleed is key! Hence the bleeder I put in the Meziere housing. It actually runs too cold in the winter time ... Need to get a hotter thermostat.

But yeah, SBG is right, likely a head gasket. and FYI, the temp gauge is not a gauge, its a dummy. 140*-230*F will keep the needle in the middle. If its moving up past that, its HOT!
215 cube aluminum engine?? that old GM one they sold to the Brits some decades ago?? still around?? Mom had one in her '63 Olds F85 sedan by '66 I had put maybe 35k miles on it, outta the .mil obligation and so bought a '60 vette, MY first car....

But her car sat in the garage undriven from '66 to like 89 or so when I fired it up, and it ran pretty good, for sitting 23 year.... carb/brakes/oil/coolant and the car ran fine sold it....

funny the brits must have screwed around with the design...???

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it is different, sort of. The mains are cross-bolted, the oil pan is quite the engineering marvel, and it's now crank-fired ignition with efi.... but the bones... are still Buick... and was so until 2004.