lighter control arms


Feb 14, 2015
I'm in the market for upper control arms and I saw control arms on Ebay. they are made by SPC the part#92740. Has anyone these arms or know anything about them? Also can C4 upper controls be used on a C3? Any info would be great! Thanks Kevin.:confused:
The SPC uppers remedy the lack of adjustment on the upper a arms. I needed extra as my current frame is tweaked.

I got the first side done and realized that the bump stop was no longer any good.


Did a search and found the camaro guys were having the same problem. Some just let the SPC a arms hit the frame, but that means
a lot of suspension travel.

Here are a couple of Camaro solutions I found. Apparently, this is what SPC suggested to them as a fix.



I bought a Competition Engineering Kit and modified one bracked. The bottom bracket bolts on the lower a arm.


Final solution:

I have them as well... Nice pieces, easy to adjust and very light weight. The tall balljoint option is another plus for these arms
What did you do to limit travel? Looking for new ideas for future changes.
Lower shock mounts were lowered on the control arm, so the shock limits travel. Poor mans version of a shorter body shock to give me more travel at my ride height
To limit travel, I use Chevy pick-up tailgate straps. One end has a slot with a clip, so you simply slip it over the end of a 3/8" Allen-head bolt (round end, just the right size), and when you want to drop the suspension further, just lift the clip on the end of the cable and slip it off the bolt.
I can't go look at mine right now to see, but wouldn't it be possible to mount some aftermarket rubber snubbers on the frame in a fashion similar to the stock ones? I wouldn't think the impact force would be as hard in unloading as it is in compression over a bump, so the tubular arms would be able to handle that. I would think. Straps & chains seem pretty crude. Simple and effective yes, but crude.....

These a-arms are on my list but several places down right now.
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I notice that the sway bar is not connected. wouldn't the sway bar help limit some of the travel if not all? And where on the control arms does the frame hit?:oh:
I can't go look at mine right now to see, but wouldn't it be possible to mount some aftermarket rubber snubbers on the frame in a fashion similar to the stock ones? I wouldn't think the impact force would be as hard in unloading as it is in compression over a bump, so the tubular arms would be able to handle that. I would think. Straps & chains seem pretty crude. Simple and effective yes, but crude.....

These a-arms are on my list but several places down right now.

The real advantage of limiter straps comes with the use of coil-overs. You can limit the travel when you jack the car so the coil-over spring does not drop out of place, but you can undo the strap and let the coil-over completely unload if you want to remove it or the shock. With snubbers, it is a lot harder to get the shock out.
I notice that the sway bar is not connected. wouldn't the sway bar help limit some of the travel if not all? And where on the control arms does the frame hit?:oh:

Those sway bar bushings took a beating as it was with stock a arms. Plus the brackets are fairly light weight.

Lots of drag cars use cable/strap limiters, so it's pretty common.
QA1 ball joints

Hi everyone I hope all are well and having fun working on or driving their Vettes. Has anyone used QA1 ball joints on their C2-C3s and if so what part# did you use. I have SPC control arms and thought these ball joints would be good to use because you can change the studs length if you choose too. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Or if you a good ball joint to use with these control arms, preferably with a longer stud!:huh:
How did your SPC control arms work out. any trouble getting them adjusted?
did you go with the limit strap?