Local BBQ carage meet and cruising


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
We had a garage meet and BBQ at one of our local guys garage. Some of you might know him, Groovyjay is his alias in many forums. Good food, great people and beautiful cars. What more could you hope for a saturday evening? OK, the weather then, it hasn't been too good here this summer. Fortunately it didn't rain heavy until the last part of the cruising. All together 35 Corvettes, about 20 cars in the cruising. Here are some pics for you to see.

Cars at the yard:



The carage




Stop at the cafe



Nice way to spend saturday. There is not too many good driving weather weekends to spent before the winter. Soon it's time to park cars into carage and start winter projects... :censored:
Wow Riku. You guys have alot of nice cars over there.:beer:

Yeh sure do, don't they??, Riku, say hello to Groovyjay for me, we swapped many a comment back and forth over the years....

is he a member here??? I can't remember he must be busy, no see him much online....
Yes, Groovyjay is member here too! I will say hello to him for you!

Big2Bird, you should fly here to see some of our cars! :drink:
Is that a red '53?

Looks like you got a Florida plate on the one in the shop.

That red C1 is '61. Nice garage find, it had been about 20 years in a barn in Finland! We do not have many barnfinds here usually...

The '56 in the shop is freshly imported to Finland. That's also Groovyjays car! Very nice project car!That's going to awesome when finished. :)
As for a little background, we have a website vette community here (finnshark.com) and over the years it has developed to be the biggest vette site and one of the most active American car forums here in Finland. We started doing these garage meets few years back. It first was a thing we did over the long winter, great way to keep the ball rolling through the long and dark period. Many of the members from the finnshark.com have opened their garage doors for others to come and see what's been going on with each car. Always nice to hear different stories behind the cars and meet new and old members and have a good Chevy-talk!

As I'm one of the three guys who started the whole website back in 2003, it was my responsible to host a small garage meet this time and as the weather seemed to be nice, I thought a tiny BBQ and Cruise after that would be the ticket.

Well I posted a welcome to all members to our website just over two weeks ago, this was just before I flew to Boston, USA and started my two week holiday. Yes, I went to Carlisle as well, it was a little B-day treat for myself. I got to meet up with many online vettefriends and I will post pics once I get around it.

After my two and a half week trip in the US and Canada I got back home and opened my laptop. I was surpriced to see how many were signed up for my little BBQ. I though, SHIT, where I'm gonna get all the food for 50 people!!! See, I got back home on Friday and the BBQ yesterday (saturday). I was up almost all night, suffering some serious jetlag, cleaning up the garage and had couple of hours of sleep before the shops opened so I went to get some meat for the masses. Luckily a good friend of mine with a cool open top C5 volunteered to help. He had the biggest BBQ set I've ever seen along with a festival size Paella pan thing. The menu we ended up was excellent and people seemed to appreciate Pete's effort behing the grill.

So all in all, it was better than I could have ever imagined, people drove seriously long distances from all over Finland just to be there. I really enjoyed and appreciate that people showed up. Just goes to show what great people these great cars attract! I'm sure we'll have another one come next summer! During the winter it'll be other guys showing up their garage content.

Here's a pick of my Vettes:


The Twin turbo Grand Sport project is finally taking shape. I will take all the shiny stuff off the 56 this coming week and send them to be re-chromed. The rest of the car goes to a paint shop to have a new colour. Once it gets back I will install a new interior and put the re-chromed stuff back on. I should have the car back on the road next summer. The 65 is just on the lift waiting to have the trailing arms re-installed (the wheel bearings needed to be replaced). After that it's back on the road again. Hopefully we'll have some summer left here! The 79 has pretty much been collecting dust this summer (I've been too busy working on the other cars + the summer was crap!), hopefully it'll get more road and race time next summer.

I took the Viper for the Cruise, since all the vettes were blocked behind the BBQ stand... :drink:

Here's a cool shot of the guy behind the grill smoking some pirellis for dessert!

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Thanks for the good explanation Groovy! And thanks for the Garage meet and BBQ! :hi:
Wow Riku. You guys have alot of nice cars over there.:beer:

Yeh sure do, don't they??, Riku, say hello to Groovyjay for me, we swapped many a comment back and forth over the years....

is he a member here??? I can't remember he must be busy, no see him much online....

Hello Sir! :hi: Yup, Im still around, mainly lurking in the background nowdays. For some reason my time online has been slowly decreasins over the years. But I still have time to have a look what guys like you are up to :yahoo: I try to be more active on this site, since this one seems to be packed with some top drawer vetteheads (like yourself!)