Looking for Canadian Pharmacy


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2008
I'd rather be in Bonaire
Anyone live in Canada? Looking for good source for legit prescription drugs. There are so many sources online but hoping to find a Corvette Brother/Sister that can guide me to a Real Drug Store, source. :)

Thanks in advance.

BTW, two of my scripts are over $400 per month in US, in Canada they are selling online and legally shipped to US in 90 day supply for less than $150.
Just wait till Obama is finished changing stuff, you may want to move there. :cussing::mad:

Just one, my wife has to have is over $8000.00/month and you can only get it directly thru the drug manufacturer, Pfizer
Thank God for good insurance.

Good luck.

I'm glad the 60th vote election went against the healthcare bill, maybe now some of those bozos will a least have to read the bill their trying to pass.
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