Mark Donahue's book.


The Artist formerly known as Turbo84
Mar 30, 2008
Clinging to my guns and religion in KCMO.
Anybody ever read the book by/about Mark Donahue titled "The Unfair Advantage"? I read it in the early 80's, and every now and then something will pop into my head and remind me about that book. I think I'll check out the local library and see if they have that on the shelf. I'd be surprised if it was checked out, as it seems to that anybody who's heard of Mark Donahue would have already read it. (OTOH, I suppose there could be some guy like me who's checking it out again to reread it.)

So, anybody else ever read this book?

That book is a must read on every racers shelf. I just reread it a month or so ago. The guy was brilliant and exploited some fantastic minds available to pull it all together. They were cutting edge.

Every racer (except those raicing Triumphs in DP) must read this book. If you're at all scientific about your program you'll generate some ideas...

Recommended books would be a fascinating side thread.:drink:
Wow, I would have thought I would have gotten more than just one reply with a topic like Mark Donohue.

I checked the local library. Nothing on the shelf in this county. Checked one of the local chain bookstores on the way home. No luck getting one there. Amazon and fleabay have used ones, but at ridiculous prices.

So, I'll just put this on my list of things to check on if I happen upon the occasional used book store.
I have never read the book but, when you posted this, I looked at Amazon and they didn't have any available. While I was on the site I saw other recommended books. Something like "these are the books that people searched for after looking at the Donehue book". One of the books was the Paul Neuman book, anyone read that?

Somewhat related. I just watched the old James Garner movie "Grand Prix". The love story part of the movie sucks but the racing footage is great. End of the movie has a race at the old Monza high bank track.
Never driven any race track at speed, except a slo old drag track 40+ years ago....

but went on a Corvette cruise with Doug Johnson who turned out to be a back stabber, but on that cruise he had a early 90's ZR1 and so he had a 'press pass' not for print media, but something he printed up off/related to the internet....

the engine was worked over pretty good at pushing 475 hp or so....

he challenged the new vettes in the caravan all the way up there....

it was FUN on I 75? through the Smokey Mountains going UPhill....I requested he not do an indicated 130 mph DOWNhill....pardon my little chicken shit ass....

but when we passed through Atlanta, we visited the motor speedway for a brief tour...and did a 'controlled speed' pass around the track, maybe two passes....

so we did about 130 indicated around the high bank oval....what they did was insist the parade not PASS each other, and follow the leader at some 8o or so around the track, Doug of course hung back letting the leaders go on ahead....and then floored the bastard....

all I can say is that it was a NICE hung in just fine, right up there where I could have touched the high wall....serious...the view from the front window as cool, nothing but assfault....NO SKY, just black assfault fast as shit.....:shocking:

cool as a moose...
Never driven any race track at speed, except a slo old drag track 40+ years ago....

but went on a Corvette cruise with Doug Johnson who turned out to be a back stabber, but on that cruise he had a early 90's ZR1 and so he had a 'press pass' not for print media, but something he printed up off/related to the internet....

the engine was worked over pretty good at pushing 475 hp or so....

he challenged the new vettes in the caravan all the way up there....

it was FUN on I 75? through the Smokey Mountains going UPhill....I requested he not do an indicated 130 mph DOWNhill....pardon my little chicken shit ass....

but when we passed through Atlanta, we visited the motor speedway for a brief tour...and did a 'controlled speed' pass around the track, maybe two passes....

so we did about 130 indicated around the high bank oval....what they did was insist the parade not PASS each other, and follow the leader at some 8o or so around the track, Doug of course hung back letting the leaders go on ahead....and then floored the bastard....

all I can say is that it was a NICE hung in just fine, right up there where I could have touched the high wall....serious...the view from the front window as cool, nothing but assfault....NO SKY, just black assfault fast as shit.....:shocking:

cool as a moose...

A couple of us did the same thing at Indy a bunch of years ago. It was a charity weekend, and the regional Corvette clubs got to do a few laps there for a $10 donation (each). It was easy to do well over 100 in the corners there. They're more banked than they look on tv.
Never driven any race track at speed, except a slo old drag track 40+ years ago....

but went on a Corvette cruise with Doug Johnson who turned out to be a back stabber, but on that cruise he had a early 90's ZR1 and so he had a 'press pass' not for print media, but something he printed up off/related to the internet....

the engine was worked over pretty good at pushing 475 hp or so....

he challenged the new vettes in the caravan all the way up there....

it was FUN on I 75? through the Smokey Mountains going UPhill....I requested he not do an indicated 130 mph DOWNhill....pardon my little chicken shit ass....

but when we passed through Atlanta, we visited the motor speedway for a brief tour...and did a 'controlled speed' pass around the track, maybe two passes....

so we did about 130 indicated around the high bank oval....what they did was insist the parade not PASS each other, and follow the leader at some 8o or so around the track, Doug of course hung back letting the leaders go on ahead....and then floored the bastard....

all I can say is that it was a NICE hung in just fine, right up there where I could have touched the high wall....serious...the view from the front window as cool, nothing but assfault....NO SKY, just black assfault fast as shit.....:shocking:

cool as a moose...

A couple of us did the same thing at Indy a bunch of years ago. It was a charity weekend, and the regional Corvette clubs got to do a few laps there for a $10 donation (each). It was easy to do well over 100 in the corners there. They're more banked than they look on tv.

heheh....good thing that hill is 'round' cause we damn sure not climbing it at 100+ mph straight UP......

as a few other here can attest, Daytona is a neat place, it seems that high bank is near vertical looking from the infield wall....gotta be 45*....
I have a old pix here from a vette club? trip to Daytona and so they had a photo shoot 'experience' of us in our cars one at a time under the Daytona winner's sign....funny, as we were all in a line going in there one at a time....

so there I am, looking like Fireball Roberts.....:p:o:beer:
Well, I managed to find an ebay vendor who had a new (soft cover) copy of this book, so I bought it ($31 with shipping). It's supposed to have a couple extra bits of info and photos included in the new version. IIRC, 350 pages, so it ought to keep me busy for a while. (I generally like to just find a quiet table at a restaurant and read while I'm having lunch. I'm an engineer, so I'm short of social skills like actually talking to people. :wink: )
I finished reading the book a few weeks ago. It was just as interesting as I remembered it being 25 years ago.
It was interesting seeing how Donohue and the Penske team had to struggle with the same basic handling and engine issues as we mere mortals do (except it seems Penske and crew always had a wad of sponsorship money to help bail their asses out).
Since you posted this I've been following along on ebay looking for the book too. I'm looking forward to reading it when I finally get one.
It took me about a year to find an original copy of it. I have it within arms reach of my desk, I guess I will have to read it again as it's been a few years. I believe they made a reprint of it a few years ago. It definitely is a must read for any racer.


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