Mech Tach needed


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I am looking for a reasonably priced SW or equal mechanical tach, larger face the better, about 8,000 RPM range to mount on my Sun Machine.:D
Look on ebay for old stewart warner mech tachs. I have a 10K one but I don't want to part with it :) Mine is a track force model. The moroso/jones ones are really expensive. There's a smaller 3.5" TF on ebay now for about 50$. The 5" ones are a lot more.
Look on ebay for old stewart warner mech tachs. I have a 10K one but I don't want to part with it :) Mine is a track force model. The moroso/jones ones are really expensive. There's a smaller 3.5" TF on ebay now for about 50$. The 5" ones are a lot more.

Decades ago, I had a Jones/Motorola electronic tach, ~4" diameter....:cool:
Look on ebay for old stewart warner mech tachs. I have a 10K one but I don't want to part with it :) Mine is a track force model. The moroso/jones ones are really expensive. There's a smaller 3.5" TF on ebay now for about 50$. The 5" ones are a lot more.

Looks like I bought it. :D
Looks like I need a commission when you have those cash crops up and running
Looks like I need a commission when you have those cash crops up and running

If you could smoke clover, I'd be in the $$ now.:suspicious:

Well, TRY IT, if it works good, lemme know, I got some cow shit clover here from dairy farm fill dirt brought in when the room addition was done ~9 years ago, that stuff looks good as lawn grass to ME< but the neighbors and wife complain....:noworry: