Mopar O/drive tranny experts...RWD....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Wife wants to tour...fine, so looking at a old 1 ton van conversion with the camper top type thing....318 engine but it only came with the 727, so did Mopar ever get their act together with a o/drive of similar capabilities???

or is it just toooooo expensive to switch over???

thinking of putting DPFI on any 318 camper we opposed to the typical 2bbl, has to have better fuel

comments please.....and NO 500 grand worth of country Caddy is outta the question more like 5 grand total....

Gene, go find a GMC/Chevy conversion. That way you can use the knowledge(?) you already have for mods to the DPFI system and won't get any surprises.

Unless you've done the camping in a motorhome before, I would very strongly suggest going and renting one for the weekend, or even better a week, BEFORE you pony up the bucks to buy. Sometimes what looks like it may be a good time turns out to be a trip from hell. I've got a 36' 3 slideout 5th wheel- it's fine for one person full time, 2 people gets a little close (for me anyway).

Another thing to guesstimate-- fuel cost. Is it cheaper to drive the MH than drive a car and stay in a hotel? Figure 7-8 MPG, add a minimum $25 a night for campground fees.
Gene, go find a GMC/Chevy conversion. That way you can use the knowledge(?) you already have for mods to the DPFI system and won't get any surprises.

Unless you've done the camping in a motorhome before, I would very strongly suggest going and renting one for the weekend, or even better a week, BEFORE you pony up the bucks to buy. Sometimes what looks like it may be a good time turns out to be a trip from hell. I've got a 36' 3 slideout 5th wheel- it's fine for one person full time, 2 people gets a little close (for me anyway).

Another thing to guesstimate-- fuel cost. Is it cheaper to drive the MH than drive a car and stay in a hotel? Figure 7-8 MPG, add a minimum $25 a night for campground fees.

Linda has the romantic thoughts of driving the back roads a while, stopping god knows where/how and camping to see the local shit and spend a week doing it.....nothing to SEE in most of the country....but then again she is a country gal from NE Florida, and I am from Wasn DC, a cheep import what can I say?? I honestly don't enjoy driving, unless it's WAY the hell over the speed limit anymore, with top and windows down....

trudging all over every backwater town and road has NO interest for me, as after a while they all look the same to me, and in fact, I been to enough of them....I would rather flip in on a jet and rent a car, hell with all that driving.......between road hazards, insurance, repairs, GAS, places to hook up/sleep in safety....I don't want the she says she will go on her own after I"m gone....since I"M 7 years older, that's soon enough I think....
but the idea is there, and so to deal with it, maybe not so bad, really but to put together some cheeeep decent times ....hence the topic....:shocking::gurney: