More fun than pushing carpet tacks under your toe nails

Button down mind......:harhar:

Gene, if you meant "button down and do another drawer" well, I did.

For those of you still following this riveting thread, it gives me great pleasure to present drawer number 3!

Nah, just ragging you on being so organized, if you saw my shop/mess you'd run like krazy.....:hissyfit::censored::banned:
You can always tell people in prison, er, Saudi Arabia, when they have WAY too much time on their hands.
At least it pays more than prison, but hot like hell too.:ill:
All the flight lines I have been around, the boxes were done like that for a reason. So you can see in an instant if anything is missing thus helping to prevent FOD.
BTW the box looks kick ass. I remember how stoked you were when you finally got it!!
OK, I've been resisting saying this since this thread first started but I can no longer---

Wayne if you spend even half as much time, effort & attention to detail on Christine as you have this toolbox, it's no wonder you got such a beautiful gal, such a pleased & happy woman.......
Hehe, my friends out here call me a "door knob polisher" :clap:

Now on this side of the world, I would interpret that to mean polishing the knob in your crap....

:waxer: No, not quite the same meaning. Door knob polisher as in perfectionist - see a thumb print on a door knob and race over and polish it off

You are one patient dude. I prefer to waste my time looking for that tool I misplaced:lol:
Hehe, I did that shit for too long and I really HATE losing a tool. Nearly done though, just got "pliers drawer" and "hammer drawer" to go :amazed:

You can always tell people in prison, er, Saudi Arabia, when they have WAY too much time on their hands.
At least it pays more than prison, but hot like hell too.:ill:
Hehe, good analogy Jeff but I actually do have plenty of things to do, just not enough time to do them in. On top of that, all those things generally revolve around being outside to do them and the last 6 weeks or so have been disgusting. Anywhere from 118* to 127* and so humid, you're soaked through before you walk 20 feet! We're pretty much settled into our new compound now so I can crack on with the BOSS but I know I would expire if I spent any time out there just yet :gurney:
Oh, got my new car cover coming next week so I can pop the front glass and leave it out while I do the interior without worry of it becoming the local cattery.

All the flight lines I have been around, the boxes were done like that for a reason. So you can see in an instant if anything is missing thus helping to prevent FOD.
BTW the box looks kick ass. I remember how stoked you were when you finally got it!!
Yeah, same here. All the tool boxes I've used in the RAAF and out here have "shadows". FOD not such a problem on our cars although I've seen the damage a 9/16 ring/open end makes when it drops into the fan of a running V8 - very impressive! But still, you can see straight away if you've left anything out.

OK, I've been resisting saying this since this thread first started but I can no longer---

Wayne if you spend even half as much time, effort & attention to detail on Christine as you have this toolbox, it's no wonder you got such a beautiful gal, such a pleased & happy woman.......
I'd have to agree with you although Christine would probably complain that I don't spend nearly enough time helping her in the kitchen and that I fart too much :bump:
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This is really neat Wayne, I like that, I've put rubber matt in there but I like that a lot even if it'a pain to do.
It is a pain and the fun has certainly worn off - but, the foam is impervious to fuel and oil and is really hard wearing so I don't think I'll ever need to do it again.

That's all my tools cut out though. Bottom drawer (the big one) will be for the battery drill, Fein saw, die grinder etc and the second bottom will have all the smaller kits I have - steering wheel puller, vacuum kit, thread chaser kit, torque wrenches etc :crutches:
WOT?! NO Nut Drivers?!

Wayne - are you saving the space in Drawer 3 Wrenches for those -- or in Drawer 4 with the "other turnny-things-on a stick?"
Looking real good.

Cheers - Jim
Wayne - are you saving the space in Drawer 3 Wrenches for those -- or in Drawer 4 with the "other turnny-things-on a stick?"
Looking real good.

Cheers - Jim
Nah, no nut drivers mate. The little kit in the first drawer with the sockets has loads of tips of all shapes and sizes and I have a nut driver style handle and just use that with little sockets...