mounting side louvers


Dec 3, 2008
biloxi, mississippi
finally finished painting the 69 and need advise on mounting the side louvers .
is there a trick to mounting the louvers-the assembly manual shows 3/8 diameter holes used for mounting my question--is there a trick to getting the rubber nuts behind the fender--the front two louvers nuts can possibly be held in place using the adjacent louver holes but how do you attach the last two louversnuts? i have the correct hardware for attaching the louvers but there must be a way other than force the rubber nuts through the 3/8 holes while attached to the louvers. :crap:
All of those silly hard places to attach whatever....I use RTV GE Silicone Seal....the stinky kind, NOT anything by anyone that is water cleanup....

this rubber will cure really well, and hold a fair amount of force and is totally waterPROOF

I would glue it not only on the fastening pins, but along the edge of the trim....

wipe clean with towels or rags around the edges before cured, let cure overnight....

You're talking about the fender vents behind the wheel (between wheel and door) ?? Isn't there a cover under the fender (behind the wheel) that you can remove? I'm pretty sure after removing that piece you can get your hand in there and access the area behind the fender louvers, at least that's how it is on my '79...
Those 4 chrome louvers on 1969 mount with Wellnuts i.e. speciaized rubber nuts and they slide in the holes in the fiberglass from the outside. If you mounted them from the inside of the fender they would not even work. Wellnut are made for blind areas like the first louver depression next to the door. They are also used to mount luggage racks & passengers side mirrors without getting behind the fiberglass panel.

Incidentally what I'm describing the stock factory method to install these 3 parts. Of course you could use RTV, JB Weld or dozens of other methods.