IF you are too tall, like me, and have your knees on the steering wheel, take the opportunity to do what I did, cut the damn thing below the steering wheel height, in a nice wide U shape remove the ragged assed metal, finish or etch the rest naked, and tape up the bottom side, I would use glass and stick 2-3 layers of it on there with cloth, then you can lower the gas and brake pedals by cut/bend and driver relaxed for a change....I have a '72 with that mod to the floorboard since 7 years ago....it works grand....
on the underside, you can fill it with most anything you like that is waterproof, one of my favorites over the years has been that brown PANELING adhesive from Liquid Nails....but get the old type not this water soluble crap .....
then paint both sides good and heavy with several coats of whatever you got, and call it a day....