My New Project

looks all original and numbers matching LOL. Has an 80s vibe to it, all you need is a porn moustache and some aviators ;)
[ame=""]Hipster Mustache[/ame]
The rear bumper is really one of a kind :rofl:
I'm sure you made a nice deal, look like a good base to go crazy.
The initial split second reaction I had when I saw the rear bumper was that I was looking at bugs eyes, lol.
Well... under the hood ain't too pretty. It's got what looks to be a pretty basic 350 4 bbl with stock exhaust manifolds, 350 auto trans. The motor seems to run good and the dual exhaust seems OK too. The A/C has been disconnected but not deleted, there is no A/C compressor or hoses. The power steering does not work. The brake lights & turn signals are marginal, the headlights work. The steering wheel is shot, fortunately I have a passable spare in the garage. The center console gauges are there but look to be a mess. The seats and the carpet seem to be serviceable, overall the interior is not as bad as my first impression of it was.

So what are my plans?

Originally I was just going to sort of blow on it (swap the steering wheel, fix the steering and brake lights) and flip it for a profit but the GF wants me to keep it. So now I will have to be a little more involved in getting the car "right". After getting the electrics and steering right I'll check the motor a little more closely and try to clean things up under the hood and in the interior, then it will go off to the body shop to get the damage to the door and chin spoiler repaired/painted. If there is room for adjustment for lowering the rear that will be in the works too. I have to keep the front height where it is for driveway apron clearance.

With any luck it will see a few car shows this year and the GF will let me put a for sale sign in it. If I talk her into drag racing it it will be a whole other story. I'd like to see her take it down the track a few times!