My project on the shelf for a while!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Saint Joseph du lac, Québec
Well I guess that my rebuild will be waiting for a while.

Tuesday I had an accident at work, I was loading a skid of wire mesh, about 500, 600 lbs, 8ft wide by 12 ft long and when I tried to move one of the blocks that was sideways, the skid suddenly sled off the lift truck.

result? the damn thing fell on me.

I managed to roll on the floor with it as this thing on top of me while was sliding off the truck but the damages were done.

I ended up with a disclocated left shoulder, a crushed right hand and a broken right wrist and a bunch of ninor scratches all over.

Wednesday, they reconnected the shoulder, yeah that was 12 hrs with a disclotated shoulder waiting on a stretcher, luckily they have real potent stuff for pain lol.

I was opreated wednesday morning for my hand, but the swell is too much. They could only put the bones back where they are suppose to be, Next week, when there will be less swelling, they will put some kind of wiring to replace the bunch of ligaments that were tored off.

Last night, they sent me home and I,ll be operated on may 3rd.
The hand is pretty messed up so this will take a while.
Soooooo I guess that I have to put the bike in storage, and put the Vette under wraps for a while huh?
OUCH!! That's bad news. Sounds like you are dealing with a fair amount of pain. 12 hours! Why did it take so long to reset your shoulder? Hoping for a quick recovery!
OUCH!! That's bad news. Sounds like you are dealing with a fair amount of pain. 12 hours! Why did it take so long to reset your shoulder? Hoping for a quick recovery!

Well the emergency room was quite busy, they had one accident after another coming in, lots of victims had to be reanimated sooo I guess that a shoulder wasnt a priority.

There were only 2 docs and they had teyre hands full.cant realy blame them.

SHIT~~!!! sorry to hear that man, hope you get better sooner....

I hope also that your workman's comp picks up the costs, but trick is ...sick leave....

My friend, that sucks big big time
Are you at home this weekend ? I'm coming over.
Gee thanks guys, workers comp is going to take care of me sooo this aspect should be covered pretty good.

I thinkI was real lucky, I ve been loading trucks all of my adult life, never took any chances trusting a load or a lift truck.

it took only a second and all hell brole loose.
Oh well., like I always say, if you never had an accident, well you are maybe next...

Yeah Denis I'll be home this wknd.
was going to call you, you might need the crane, I wont play with it for a while.
Wow scary indeed, glad it wasn't even worse...stuff like that gets people killed

Speedy recovery

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I see it all in my mind, and it scares the hell outta me. Speedy recovery.
Dang, man, scary stuff. Sounds a little like when my car ran over me. All happened really fast. Almost so fast I had a hard time figuring out what was going on until it was all over.

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