My Son's '57 chebby pickup over 3 years now....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida

Years ago I lost track of this thread, not aware of it at crap?? dunno, no recollection....

but he sent me an email with a link to something recent.....

and so at page 15 or so, and nearly 350 posts, the thing is coming along.....

how in hell I missed all this I dunno, as we talk maybe once a week....

don't feel too bad, my dad doesn't follow my builds either.

That's too bad man, I feel guilty for allowing that site to drop off my radar, I went to register and my handle mrvette was taken.....I dropped my jaw on the desk, and went to sign in......

I been through too many boots and boots in the ass, and installs of various browsers, that site being not vette related, got lost out in keeping up...spent about 3 hours getting caught up.....

Tomcat is a far better welder than I ever be....talked the other evening with him and seems that pickup weighs about same as my '72 vette.....gotta be kidding me....he sticks by it 3300 lbs.... with that LS, I maybe get blown away by a pickup....what a disgrace......:suicide:

Dean is on my email list, and I have mentioned them back/forth with similar trucks and to maybe chat a bit.....I not aware of any conversations though, Tomcat does actually work for a living, he had to leave his auto repair/mechanic job on account of some crew chief guy up and died from a heart attack he was only age 37, hell of a way to get a he climbs around the Rocky/Sierras surveying land....for his Father in Law's company.....comes back and goes to the table doing what his super did....all that degree/radian/distance stuff.....

He has told me of neighbors not getting along because of some property line dispute and one of them painting a HUGE FUCK YOU on side of their barn facing the neighbor dumb can that be???? glad I in 1/4 acre zoning.....many stories over that sort of shit.....
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