Well it looks like MaM is in trouble again. I have limited them on credit after the previous payment problems. Up till May they were on time now that say they are having cash flow problems. I guess many companies are having a tough time of it these days.
Has anyone heard more, like during there recent fun fest event?
Dean, here locally, my wife has been a book keeper for years now, her own business, and so she has lost about 60% of her client base over the last 6+ years, either through a sudden death of the owner, then conflicts with the family, then down to just plain going under, and just now she mentioned another client looks like closing up shop.....anyone thinks the economy is decent is nutz, around here anyway.....maybe for .gov workers, but not the general business.....when Target, and Kmart close MAJOR stores here locally, and some upstart thinks they going to make it in a location selling home decore crap.....YGTBFKM....no one in a parking lot....tells the tale there....Shit, even SEARS is going under, and everyone knows it....the only joint with any action about it is Harbor Freight Tools with at least 5x the $$ volume of Sears here locally....
NOW about the CAR scene, in '97 when I moved here there were about 4 active Corvette shops.....none but maybe ONE today.....and I not called them in years, because I just go .net if I need something....since my car is basically as finished as I am, that's damn seldom......
So about MAD, I not surprised......gotta also figger the aging of the customer base, guys like me who were in our 20-30's when the C3s' were new are outta the market now....got one, dun one, too old to care, or never DID care.....same shit I witnessed with a buddy who had a wonderful mid 30's Ford rumble seat convertible, all OEM told him to make a hotrod out of it some 33? years ago, he restored it instead, paid 13 grand for it, had fun for years sold it for only 15 grand, why?? same shit....that is happening to our Vettes.....all the guys either got one, dun one, or don't care.....
Like I have a whole house full of old bronze/brass nautical antiques, love to sell it all and leave a few pieces for my kids....but no market.....shit dates back to WW2 even.....TTWIG......
