NEL Metal Restorations aka precisionchrome


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
This is a response one of the guys at the V8Buick forum got from NEL....

"First of all if you knew anything about resto work you would know that you can grind down the tabs. The part had metal contamination in the detail area. But for $80.00 i guess we should have done complete reconstruction work i am sure thats what a HARVARD BOY would do. Please do let any of your ignorant friends know ... I guess i will have to stick with the million dollar Pebble Beach , and Amelia Island work that i am used to doing. All of the museum quality work we do does get so boring..... I was so hoping to work my way into the 70 olds world where people want to spend nothing to have their worthless parts restored!!!!!! GOOD BYE FOR EVER MY EX-CUSTOMER AND TO YOUR FELLOW JACKASSES KNOW AS WELL"

great customer service huh? I don't even know the guy who made the statement but I hope he gets fired or goes out of business soon!
Wow. Don't know the back story and don't know who NEL is, but I think I'll avoid any company that sends a message like that.
You have any more info on this subject? Might make more sense if we had some background information.
PaulGS is the forum member at, someone else asked the same question and this was his response.

I sent in a Olds A/C bezel to be rechromed.

It came back the first time very "grainy", and looked bad.

I called them and had a polite conversation about how it turned out.

The part was sent back, and it was worse the second time.

The chrome was way too thick, and all the detail on the corners was gone.

I then told them that they ruined the part.....and got that reply.

PS - I paid $90, not $80.

A good rule of thumb: How a company responds to a complaint will speak volumes about them.
Picky picky picky, just like everything ELSE today, even IF the owners wanted to do right, they can't FIND help to DO it right....

much less fuck with the EPA and some damn regulation that sez you have to do away with some criticality ONE chemical because it harms some stupid fish or snail somehow...on a basis of one part per billion or whatever....

so maybe NOT to be so hard on the owner, but I have heard over and over about rechroming in this country is a dead art.....

and which is why that guy Kahn, something got enough money from making plastic bumpers for auto buy the Jaguars....our NFL team....

even Detroit can't put other than plastic chrome on a car these daze....

going to look really great in about 15 years....


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