New guy


New member
Sep 28, 2020
New member here.
1967 Corvette Coupe 427/390 4 speed. Restored, numbers matching.

Question: What's up with posting pics that are so small of a file size?
Welcome aboard! Numbers matching! May/may not find many like that here - but all are very welcoming.

Here is what I have for my pics and they all fit:

Max image size allowed 1280 KB
Max image dimension allowed 2400 * 1500
Number of images you currently have 684
Max number of images allowed for you 700​

Note I'm bumping up against the upper limit allowed... But the sizes seem pretty generous. It is a nice feature to host right here so you don't have to mess with any 3rd party issues. And, you can drop other images from offsite in your posts is that helps any. Heaps of good info in the downloads section which is for member only too.

Cheers - Jim
welcome !!!

Well, usually a 1048*720 something resolution picture is good enough to display on a laptop, pad or phone , this is a privatly owned forum without ads etc so yeah... gotta stay on budget... when you reach the upper limit just ask to have that limit raised ?