New here, but not to the Vette world


Jan 6, 2009
North Carolina
Hello all. My screen name is the same on numerous forums on the net so if you see me posting elsewhere, say hi. Just a little about myself/hobbies. I have an '81 Corvette drag car that I bracket race here in North Carolina monthly from March to November. I also have a street '81 Corvette that's currently getting a fairly hot 383ci/200r4 combo, new interior, new rear gear, and upgraded suspension components. Again, thanks for having me here and I look forward to posting soon.

Kenny Stewart
Welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen.....

Mr. Nobody has to be quicker in that he weighs less.....

I have a few pics of the race car on this site:

The street car is a work in progress so pics will have to wait a few months on that one. Nice site. Lots of good info here.


:hunter: OK, looks great, lots of hair on that beast....just the right touch for a street machine.....:drink:

your neighbors may not LOVE you, but they damn well will RESPECT you.....
I do run Flowmaster collector mufflers with 2 1/8" primaries and 4" turnouts so the occasional trip down the street doesn't upset too many people.:cool: