Fast Pedalphile
I got a knock at my door this afternoon. At first I thought it was couple of Jehovah's Witnesses soliciting and I was not going to answer the door but then I thought better of it and did. I am glad I did! It was a couple of representatives from the State of NJ, Dept. of the Treasury, Division of Taxation. They informed me that someone reported me for doing contractor work in the area. :rain: NO PROBLEM! I am licensed, insured and paying business taxes, as far as I know all of my ducks are in a row.
As any of you who know me and have followed my off topic threads might guess, this is another blatant attempt by my ex GF to make my life miserable. :bonkers: Too bad she has failed AGAIN! :yahoo: I am not especially concerned about or afraid of any of this. The Treasury rep's listened while I told them about the ex GF's attempts to destroy my life and seemed satisfied with my story and my documentation. I gave them the ex's name and phone number to compare to their notes. We talked for a few minutes more and they left.
:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Can you say "WHAT A BITCH?"
I knew you could!
As any of you who know me and have followed my off topic threads might guess, this is another blatant attempt by my ex GF to make my life miserable. :bonkers: Too bad she has failed AGAIN! :yahoo: I am not especially concerned about or afraid of any of this. The Treasury rep's listened while I told them about the ex GF's attempts to destroy my life and seemed satisfied with my story and my documentation. I gave them the ex's name and phone number to compare to their notes. We talked for a few minutes more and they left.
:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Can you say "WHAT A BITCH?"
I knew you could!