No world cup 2014 thread yet????


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Well.... Germany just beat the crap out of the host nation Brazil today...... In the semi final.... Now it's going to be either Argentina or Holland in the finale this coming Sunday..... I really hope we win.... I have friends in Argentina and Holland so if we lose I'll have to listen to them (either one) giving me shit for the next four years.....

Brazil is apparently being flooded by tears tonight....

I've heard something about this "World Cup" thing. I understand it's supposed to be some kind of sporting event? :stirpot:
I've heard something about this "World Cup" thing. I understand it's supposed to be some kind of sporting event? :stirpot:

I think its that yachting event held every 4 years or so.

Soccer is part of the pussification of America......might get hurt playing football, so somehow we supposed to get all excited over a 1-0 score that takes hours to play.....

it was boring when watching my kids play, and all the soccer moms going ape shit on the sidelines every time their daughter got close to the ball.....I'd go off and toss a football around with my son, and the ex give me shit about THAT even....WTF, I was relieved of that BS after the divorce....

I was just at a bar eating and the lady that works there is Dutch and her game was on. So, I tried to follow it. I still don't know who won. :surrender:
Not one Football player would last 20 min in a soccer game without a time out or consulting the coach..... No pussy body armor, no time outs, just pure "game on" for 2x45 min.....

The US team did great this year. I'm surprised there are so many "patriots" in this country not supporting their team ....... :smash:

I was just at a bar eating and the lady that works there is Dutch and her game was on. So, I tried to follow it. I still don't know who won. :surrender:

They took it to extra time and then to penalty kicks......Marck is not a happy camper, Argentina won .... "The silence of the Robben" .....

Ok, in all seriousness I respect the athleticism of professional soccer, but it is seriously boring as shit to watch. As to the comment about (American) football players not being able to withstand the physical part of soccer, I admit there is some truth to that, but there's also a lot of that 90 minutes where guys are just jogging back and forth waiting for something to happen. I would bet that hockey, tennis and basketball are the physical equal to soccer. Football is far more brutal than any of the other sports with the possible exception of hockey and I think that factors into why you can't equate the two sports. Like comparing Indy to NHRA.
When I was younger I really enjoyed indoor soccer. It is far faster moving and higher scoring. From a spectator perspective it is better in every single way. I think there is an indoor league here in Vegas but I have yet to go to a game.
In a very passive way I was rooting for Team USA because they are my country. But I root for them like I root for the US curling team in the Olympics, that is to say I hope they win but I really could not possibly care less one way or the other.
I agree the 'lower end' matches can be boring, like f.e. village "A" vs. village "B" ......

Now, the quality of the game usually increases with the level of players.... The good players who get good offers and make a ton of money usually play wherever they can make the most money..... One of the best Dutch players is Robben, he plays for Munich as far as I know, Messi, Argentina's player of the year plays in Spain , i think Barcelona....... The Brazilian Dante plays in Munich I think.....

Point is...... Every four years these athletes go home and represent their country to compete on a global level ......

There's century long rivalry and dislike between teams ....

Like no other sport !!!

The US is getting in there, they were actually doing pretty good ......

Then again, 45 minutes without commercial break..... The US TV stations are never going to like this...... Only time to have some advertisement is after 45 minutes when everybody hits the bathroom to take a leak.....

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Probably due to the poor showing at the World Cup !!!!!

All England games will be moved to the gay adult channel next week as
screening of eleven arseholes being hammered for 90 minutes is considered
too explicit for ITV.

I hear Oxo are making a new product, the packaging is white
with a red cross and they're calling it the laughing stock

The England football team are going to change the emblem on their shirts.
The Three Lions will now become three tampon to celebrate their worst period
in history

NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!! - Tidal wave heading for
3million SCOTS piss themselves laughing

What's the difference between England and a tea
bag? Tea bag stays in the cup longer...

What do you call an Englishman in the World Cup Final?

NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!! England have just hired a new
coach? A 30-seater to the airport.
NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!! - Tidal wave heading for
3million SCOTS piss themselves laughing

What's the difference between England and a tea
bag? Tea bag stays in the cup longer...

Haha ..... I'll have to share this with a few british friends...... :smash: