Obama Budget Cuts


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Oak Ridge, NC
I got this at work today.........

Ok, here is a young man who can help us get our hands around the bazillions of dollars that Obama is spending for us but also his bogus $100,000,000.00 budget cut. What a laugh.


This "KID" should get an A in Economics.
Need the calculator at the NYC FRB to keep track of those kind of figgers....

the .gov needs just declare a BK on themselves.....

repudiate the debt, and start over with a new elective comprised of NO LAWYERS....

for a START....

Does anyone think he will cut anything??
After the big vote here in Kalifornia yesterday where the people finally realized that we pay too much in taxes for too many unwanted left wing programs, illegal aliens, etc., the odds are that our former Republican, now Democrat govenor, will recieve another $25++ billion in bail out funds.
Thank you, all the rest of the USA for suporting all of us here in never never land.

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