Oh well, Airshow this weekend.....

Maybe a little more detail. Where is the air show going to happen. Always interested in these Florida happenings since I may want to move there some day. ....Although, I'd be coming from California, I am not one of those leftist people that have just destroyed this state. If I should move to Florida, I will tell people I'm from Tennessee if they ask. That's where I was born. Don't want to admit to being a Californian!!
Maybe a little more detail. Where is the air show going to happen. Always interested in these Florida happenings since I may want to move there some day. ....Although, I'd be coming from California, I am not one of those leftist people that have just destroyed this state. If I should move to Florida, I will tell people I'm from Tennessee if they ask. That's where I was born. Don't want to admit to being a Californian!!

Jacksonville/NE I live in Orange Park, SW corner of the city, about 5 miles from Jax Naval Air Station....Mayport is on the other corner of the city....soon to be home for another carrier, this one Nuclear....the Kennedy was the last oiler and was scrapped a couple years ago, I understand.....

I moved here at age 53 from Wash Dc region, and have still yet to live it down in this hood.....;-))) :nuts::crylol:

OH, edit, at age 67, my house is worth maybe 80k at most, and so I pay 700 bux/year prop taxes which include trash pick up.....nice pretty quite hood, about 40 y/old, and on a hill for drainage....masonry construction to keep termites down, and has CHLORDANE under the foundation....I have redone the entire joint with my wife's help and direction....;-)))
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I have redone the entire joint with my wife's direction....;-)))[/QUOTE]

Get it right Gene:waxer:

Yes, must pay attention to the short/cute one......but don't underestimate her physical efforts and toleration of KRAZY messes over the years, as projects have evolved.....and without bitching, and THAT is the best part.....she sees a end result and shares dreams....it's a tough thing to find in a woman.....

Yes, must pay attention to the short/cute one......but don't underestimate her physical efforts and toleration of KRAZY messes over the years, as projects have evolved.....and without bitching, and THAT is the best part.....she sees a end result and shares dreams....it's a tough thing to find in a woman.....

Gene,I count myself as lucky as you have just described!
In fact, today makes 30 years - officially.
A few practice years for warm up, and a discard before that too.

Cheers - Jim
Yes, must pay attention to the short/cute one......but don't underestimate her physical efforts and toleration of KRAZY messes over the years, as projects have evolved.....and without bitching, and THAT is the best part.....she sees a end result and shares dreams....it's a tough thing to find in a woman.....

Gene,I count myself as lucky as you have just described!
In fact, today makes 30 years - officially.
A few practice years for warm up, and a discard before that too.

Cheers - Jim

An olde phardt?? here I figgered you for a active jet jock....still flying....

be ME, they'd get that joy stick outta my cold dead hand before I"d give it up.....:hissyfit::crylol::censored:
Chief of Simulator Test for all emerging systems (F-35/F-22,etc.)
My return was initially for 2 years - and now for 2 more. If packaged at the start as 4 - I'd have done the Qualification training in the F-15E Strike Eagle - Awesome- but would have had an "upset" special member of the household. She'd happier having me in "sms" than flight - and tollerates rather well the car -and its pending race apps. So, in all not a bad gig.
Cheers - Jim
I have to admit, Jim, you have it pretty good down here on the Redneck Riviera. Wish I could figure out how to get one of my C3's down here. No place to store it. :mad:

Livin the Dream :cool:

"I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand. Life is good today!!" :harhar:
