Oil line routing?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2008
Jersey Shore
Anyone have any suggestions for running my oil cooler lines to the front of the car? Im guessing I dont want to run them next to my headlight harness...
Under the rad is too close to the ground for my liking, and one off road adventure could turn really bad. Anyone ever run them in the wheel well?

Got the cooler mounted to the bumper bracket


May? or will? I was thinking the pressure drop of the oil entering the tubes in the cooler would force it up to the top of the core. Also, I thought I read somewhere that the Earls thermostat opens the outlet side slightly before fully opening to prevent thermal shock to the cooler. That would also keep air pockets out of the system, no?
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Also... is there a rule of thumb as to running braided lines? Is it OK if they are touching each other? Clamp together or separate? I decided to run them through the headlight harness kick-out but it is a bit tight. Ill wrap them in some kind of insulation to prevent the wires from getting too hot
Use a pair of rubber insulated clamps and turn them so the mount holes are facing each other and bolt them either together or use the bolt as a support to the frame. Keeps them from rubbing together and supports them.

Run the lines away from the engine at the oil filter, curve toward the front and follow the frame rail. At the core support you can make a path for them to run like the A/C lines do or the easy way- drill a couple of holes in the core support. If you drill, support each line with clamps right where they go thru the support.


Not that it means anything, but I'm looking for the Boeing reference which will also have a real good picture of how to clamp and support the lines.
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