Okay engineers/which is it?


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I was always told when using u-bolt "clark" style cable clamps, that you always use 3 minimum, and alternate the u-bolt facings.
Now I read that the saddle is always on the live load side, and all face that way.
Right, wrong, or splitting hairs?

Scratch my response due to a inability to reed and not know jack about cable clamps and shit.....
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I would think the biggest thing you're doing to increase reliability is using 3. The way they face is less important.

Statics engineering says both sides see the same force.
Never saddle a dead horse

<7/16" rope 2 clips minimum

1/2-5/8" 3 clips min

3/4-7/8" 4 clips min
The reason is when you kink a wire rope it could loose 50 percent of it rated capacity. For this reason we can not use these on any part for the elevator that will be lifting a person.

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The reason is when you kink a wire rope it could loose 50 percent of it rated capacity. For this reason we can not use these on any part for the elevator that will be lifting a person.


We always used Crosby Lauglin hardware, all forged. Great stuff.
The saddles have the twist of the rope formed in it to minimize damage to the live cable.
Back on the days I played with this:

we called those "Crosby Clips".
Just for reference, the rated capacity on that little tow truck was 50 TONS. 5/8 cables, and the first thing we did was junk the rope center cable for a wire center- and we'd still break the cables. 2 clips were all we ever used for repair. Never did have them slip, but the cable would break some other place.

Can't read it in the picture, but the bumper sticker on the left front reads
"Genuine Pickup Truck"
The reason is when you kink a wire rope it could loose 50 percent of it rated capacity. For this reason we can not use these on any part for the elevator that will be lifting a person.


We always used Crosby Lauglin hardware, all forged. Great stuff.
The saddles have the twist of the rope formed in it to minimize damage to the live cable.

Acutally the saddle side forms the cable into a "V" if you look at most designs. That is much more likely to damage the cable than the larger radius smooth bolt end. I reject the premise.




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I think whoever decided to make the knockoffs you pictured rejected that premise too.:trumpet:

Conincidentally, I ran across a Crosby Lauglin clip in a box at the shop this morning and looked at the saddle to see the rope twist, no "v" or such.
Hopefully, I can find it again (way too many boxes) and I'll take a pic of it.