Our next President?

Personally, I'd love to see him just shut it down for a year or two and let the lousy bastards go look for work somewhere else. Hope he doesn't sell it and let the socialists win.
AND Joe Arpaio (SP?) for Atty General....

someone who turns around hotels, one of the most difficult of any business dealing with the public, rivals that of restaurants......

HE has a good enough MANAGEMENT TRACK RECORD to take over the mere Fed.gov and make a good go at it...

HELL YES, job's his....


This guy is the boss/owner. This is still America, I think. If they don't want to do what the boss tells them to do, they are free to leave.
It's like smoking in a bar. I don't smoke and won't go into a bar that is smokey. MY choice. The bar owner has the choice to allow smoking or not, and to accept the finanical reprocussions if people leave.
Too many damn laws!!!

This guy is the boss/owner. This is still America, I think. If they don't want to do what the boss tells them to do, they are free to leave.
It's like smoking in a bar. I don't smoke and won't go into a bar that is smokey. MY choice. The bar owner has the choice to allow smoking or not, and to accept the finanical reprocussions if people leave.
Too many damn laws!!!

I agree. My boy has not been hired at some stores because he is NOT bilengual. He CAN'T speak spanish. If someone owns a hotel and DOES NOT want spanish spoken there, it's his RIGHT.;)

This guy is the boss/owner. This is still America, I think. If they don't want to do what the boss tells them to do, they are free to leave.
It's like smoking in a bar. I don't smoke and won't go into a bar that is smokey. MY choice. The bar owner has the choice to allow smoking or not, and to accept the finanical reprocussions if people leave.
Too many damn laws!!!

I agree. My boy has not been hired at some stores because he is NOT bilengual. He CAN'T speak spanish. If someone owns a hotel and DOES NOT want spanish spoken there, it's his RIGHT.;)

Your boy's case is a little different. I guess the principal is the same, but it really sucks that a American citizen needs to speak spanish to get a job in his own country.

This guy is the boss/owner. This is still America, I think. If they don't want to do what the boss tells them to do, they are free to leave.
It's like smoking in a bar. I don't smoke and won't go into a bar that is smokey. MY choice. The bar owner has the choice to allow smoking or not, and to accept the finanical reprocussions if people leave.
Too many damn laws!!!

I agree. My boy has not been hired at some stores because he is NOT bilengual. He CAN'T speak spanish. If someone owns a hotel and DOES NOT want spanish spoken there, it's his RIGHT.;)

I Agree :thumbs: This is AMERICA!!! This bullshit with the illegals has gone to far...They get more help from our GOV. then us Americans do..WE SHOULD DEPORT THEM ALL!!!!!
This guy is the boss/owner. This is still America, I think. If they don't want to do what the boss tells them to do, they are free to leave.
It's like smoking in a bar. I don't smoke and won't go into a bar that is smokey. MY choice. The bar owner has the choice to allow smoking or not, and to accept the financial repercussions if people leave.
Too many damn laws!!!

You got that right. People stay in hotels that they want to stay in. This guy is risking his own money trying to make this place profitable. Good for him. I would think the locals would be happy that someone is investing in their community, providing jobs and taxes to the local gov.

Where is it written in the constitution that government can interfere with private business? If the guy wanted to provide a hotel for the Taliban only, he could probably get federal funding!
You got that mostly right but allow me to make two very important points.
... I would think the locals would be happy that someone is investing in their community, providing jobs and taxes to the local gov.
They're liberal hippie socialists. As far as they're concerned, it's the government's job to supply jobs and invest in the community. And they do that by just taking the money this guy obviously stole from the proletariat.
Where is it written in the constitution that government can interfere with private business? If the guy wanted to provide a hotel for the Taliban only, he could probably get federal funding!

None of these people have ever read the Constitution. In fact, most of them despise it, because, as the Unibama says, it's a "bill of negative rights".

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