Pan sealant?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Las Vegas Nevada
What's the general consensus on pan gasket sealant's these days?

I've got a stackup of two gaskets and a crank scraper so there's LOT'S of opportunitys for leaks.

I'll be going to buy RTV's at Autozone tomorrow unless there's a smarter solution, Thanx Steve
IMA believer in Permatex RTV Black.....

I have found nothing better.....

HOWEVER, the surfaces and adjacent areas have to be clean, sweet smelling, and sanitary from any old greezy assed crap....


OH, and let it set up for a day or so before adding oil...and running engine....
I'm really old school. I use the old style gaskets- not the one piece stuff everyone swears by. Stick the side rails up with yellow death (3M 8001), RTV the rubber end seals, stick the pan up and go.
Damn Tim, you're right!

I've got a crank scraper sandwiched between my pan and the block (Non SBC) so I've got two gaskets. I should've done the bottom of the stack with the gorilla snot and the final gasket with RTV. Too late now but I'll do it right next time.

Now I'm pondering whether to put the last joint, pan stack to block, together dry so it'll come apart easily next time. This is a race engine so next time is not far away.

On the one hand I can save ten bux worth of pan gaskets if it works BUT I can have a freakin leak if it doesn't. Kind of a Pascal's Wager sort of deal.

The pan has a 1/2" aluminum flange so I think it should seal but really, why would I risk it for a few minutes of scraping gaskets at the track. Oh, cuz the next session is forty minutes away........:lol:

Edit: Oh Wait, if I have a reason to drop the pan am I really gonna see the next session, Damn I'm dumb sometimes...

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