paypal ???????


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
Yucaipa, CA.
I got my access blocked until I fax them SSN - utility bill - photo ID .... have any of you experienced this?
SOunds fishy to me. But then I've always thought the paypal thing was a little odd. They always want bank numbers- and everything that could be used to make your identity disappear.
That sounds like a scam to me. Well, an even bigger scam than Ebay/Paypal already is!
I have been a pay pal user since there inception. I have never had them ask for that information. I think it is a scam. Forward the email to there abuse department. I bet if you read the the IP details of the request you will see that it does not come from a pay pal address (look close at spelling) nor does it have an "https" prefix on the web address. Be very careful!

It isn't a email though ..... when I log onto my paypal account it immediately asks for this information.
I have been a pay pal user since there inception. I have never had them ask for that information. I think it is a scam. Forward the email to there abuse department. I bet if you read the the IP details of the request you will see that it does not come from a pay pal address (look close at spelling) nor does it have an "https" prefix on the web address. Be very careful!


YUP, I been with PP for a long time now, and they never send shit to me unless prompted, just like my bank....never have had an issue with them.....I did try selling on ebay once, just a 100 buck item or so, and got no bids, ebay charged me like 13 I don't do THAT anymore.....

Call them. I'd bet it's a scam. I've been using PP for some time and NEVER had to provide that kind of info....
I called the idiots and what it is about is I click for paypal debit car and that is what initiated it all. downside once started it can't be reversed .... go figure!

do not ever request a debit card from them under any circumstances !!!! because you will get the block I did and until you provide it, no access to your paypal and against the trade laws to reverse it once started.

lesson learned !!!!!!!!!!!!