Picture of offset TA's from underneath...they are not neccesary


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
You can see the tire will hit the frame before the TA

I don't think anyone has posted a pic of this so here you go

My car came with them

Nice picture but we need another one with the stock arm to compare.... is the tire going to hit the arm or the frame with the stock arms?? Maybe they just gave it some extra offset, more than needed ???? Dunno....
I agree with yellow73....my larger tires rub just barely on the upper inside frame pocket just above the trailing arm pocket. Nothing serious on the rubbing and all looks good while aligned with 1/8+" clearance but when driving something changes back there and causes some slight rubbing and this is with 18x10 5.5 BS & 275/40/18. I have heard that others have this slight rubbing minor problem too.
i've been saying this for years. On a stock t/a setup the tire will approximately contact the frame and t/a at about the same tire backspace.

5" BS is about all it can tolerate.
The aftermarket offset trailing arms also reposition the emergency brake cable and they are much stronger and rigid than the stock rubbish.
On another note, necessary is spelled as so.
Stock arms are flimsy, if youw eld them all the way through that will help. The aftermarket ones are heavier if I'm not mistaken. They are prime candidates for additional holes :D
I believe the whole point of the offset is that the tire would hit something else first.

BTW, necessary wuz the werd that keeped me form repressenting my sckool in the city spelin Bee. Havn't got it rong cents. :tomato:
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