Primer and streaks and silver and DeLorean....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
FIRST off, I"m lazy as hell, second off even turtle can't out cheep ME, so question is....

the vette is currently in light gray primer...and needs mild sanding....

since the paint is not here yet, and I"m ready to file a complaint with ebay...paypal.....I"m thinking of....

taking Jim/turtlevettes' concept and lightly stroking the primer to lend streaks to it fore and aft....ONE direction only...

and shooting with clear several coats...


That would work EXCEPT I don't think primer is really all that waterproof. Be a shame to waterlog your Vette- even if it is a '72.
That would work EXCEPT I don't think primer is really all that waterproof. Be a shame to waterlog your Vette- even if it is a '72.

I was WET sanding it this afternoon.....

oh will dry, then get wiped and shot....:hunter::flash:
I would love to see some pictures when your done.


Thanks for the vote of confidence Danny, but it really not all that great a paint job...passable, what we call a 10-10 car.....ten MPH at 10 feet away, looks great....but NOT a show car....

I will be VERY happy if it looks that good when finally finished....

my last hurrah with painting a car....

Gene - I'd rather see the bright green you picked out.


Yeh, if the guy ever actually shipped the paint, I"m a bit pissed now...ordered on the 17th....shold have paid 60 bux more and obtained locally for the effort....

not here by Friday AM, filing a back charge for non delivery to PPal and so forth....

seems like every damn thing I do with this paint project is a max tuned electronic resonance circuit for PIA.....

Gene - I'd rather see the bright green you picked out.


I agree.

Did you buy your paint on EBAY?

YES, and I wish I bought at the car show in Daytona about 3-4 weeks ago, instead of putting it off.... the Z in there is intended....not a typo...

not returning any calls either really pisses me off to boot....

he did answer the first time, but failure to ship in a day or so was just silly, I called it was already over a week, and so he said out that day, well it's ordered on the 17th this now the 28?
