Put this vaccine in your pipe & smoke it

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
I inherited just a few hundred shares of Pfizer stock & do not have the other 2 mentioned below.

stock price per share -
Pfizer – on Aug 27, 2021 $ 46.60 – it is the highest it ever been

AstraZeneca – on Aug 27 $ 58.63 - it is the highest it ever been

Moderna - is wow $ 382.22 today – it is the highest it ever been
– actually 20 times the stock price on Jan 2020
on Jan 3, 2020 it was $ 18.89
on Jan 12, 2021 it was $ 112.75

Governments are buying tons of these “approved” - “emergency use” – “RNA vaccines” – which if one reads Revolver .com, Naturalnews .com, Bitchute .com, theCovidblog .com they have very alarming info. If you just read Facefarce, Chitter, boobtube - you will get less than 1/2 the facts – or rather deaths & disability & china virus AFTER the jab.

Note: Googull & Bung edit, erase, hide, “offensive” search terms
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I'm in nursing school now and I was required to get one of the shots. I selected J&J because I felt it was the least dangerous. I have no idea if that's true. Fact is, we have no idea what kind of damage these experimental chemicals are going to do in 3, 5, 10 years. I rolled the dice with the J&J shot but if they come at me requiring any more shots, I'm out.

It will suck to walk away from the program right in the middle. Lots of skills that don't transfer to anything else and not enough education/experience to get a good job in the field. But I'm not going to submit to being a subject in an experiment through coercion anymore.

I'd rather be poor and alive than, well, dead.
I got the vaccine. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have gotten it.

The "deception" on the part of the CDC is astounding. These people are more concerned with their celebrity status than the "science" they keep talking about. Speaking of science, the virus reached it's daily peak in the US on Jan 1 2021. 45 days later, the number of cases had dropped 80%. This is the same time period when only a relative hand full of people had received the vaccine.

So what was responsible for the dramatic drop in cases? Herd immunity from prior infection! Even the CDC published data that 120 million people had contracted covid by Jan 1. Thats 50% of the adult population of the US. BTW, that is what is happening with the current Delta variant. Cases have been rapidly declining since September 1. And now 180 million people have immunity from prior infection. An immunity that is stronger than the vaccine (although the CDC won't acknowledge that).

So we await the next variant from some country halfway around the world. And these covid celebrities, that demonize the unvaccinated, with be with us forever (just like covid).
Even after the WuFlu is gone, it will never go away. It's far too valuable of a tool to manipulate for the Marxists to ever let go of its power. There is a perverse sickness out there, and there two kinds of people infected with it. Those people who will do anything to feel protected from harm, and those people who can only feel satisfaction by lording over others.
Well, one good thing from Covid, the Taliban will all be dead very soon. Their days are numbered, no masks, no vaccination, living in communes. Yeah, they will be sorry they didn't listen to the "scientists".

Ha ha! Old Joe strikes again :lol:
Isn't it interesting how all the people doing all the stuff Falsi and friends say not to do seem to be doing about the same as those of us living under the thumb?