Racing fans "limited" to 24 beers a day!


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
What is the world coming to :beer::

Adult fans at one of Australia's most popular motor sport races, the Bathurst 1000, will be limited to one "slab" of beer a day -- or 24 375 ml cans -- as police focus on reducing alcohol-related crime.

The 24-can rule would also be placed on mixed drinks for the V8 car race starting Thursday which draws thousands to the rural town of Bathurst in eastern New South Wales state, the NSW police said Tuesday.
well, it is a 24 hr. race, right?

DUN in 12.....easy....but that's lightweight USA brew, not that high octane they sell overseas.....:eek::smash::)

about 50 years ago, they brought into the DC region something called

Wurtzburger Hoffbrau, man that shit was GOOOOOOD!!! only 50 cents/bottle....

not to drink over two of them or pass out snoring....

well I dunno what '375 ml' works out to (& I ain't gonna try to figure it out right now) but if Aussie beer is like European beer as compared to American pisswater, 24 beers should be equal to a bit more than a quart of Jack Daniels. Which is probably a fairly reasonable limit for drinking during a 6 hour race.... but that's just my humble opnion.....
well I dunno what '375 ml' works out to (& I ain't gonna try to figure it out right now) but if Aussie beer is like European beer as compared to American pisswater, 24 beers should be equal to a bit more than a quart of Jack Daniels. Which is probably a fairly reasonable limit for drinking during a 6 hour race.... but that's just my humble opnion.....

Yeh, i'ts roughly 12 oz, so a case of beer, ....:beer::1st:
24 case of normal cans about 4.5 % alcohol or 36 cans of low alcohol cans.Watched most of the racing yesterday while we had bbq here to see finish.Holdens 1,2,3,4 from memory.Kiwi greg murphy a close 4th.Last year ford 1,2,3,4.
great day and lot of rivalry tween ford/holden.Mount panarama the place to be to watch the great race.Its not only you, a merry cans, that love the smell of fuel and smoking rubber, and thats just the women.
later gator

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