

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2008
I'm still trying to figure out if building an airbox around my intake and more or less trying to ramcharge my intake stacks would help out hp and if so, how much it would typically be worth in terms of VE.
No idea, but short of an air box, how else would you do the filter setup? Pipercross filter socks?
Yep, currently i have some filter socs, but due to the design of the manifold, it will suck in a lot of heated underhood air. I already opened up the rear of my L88 hood so that some pressurized air from the windshield gets under there but I think it still will be unsufficient.
Well that's interesting. I suppose they had hood vents to direct air towards the air boxes ? BTW was that a big block ? Anymore detailed pictures ?
I was kind of planning on building an air box more like that over the stacks out of aluminum and connecting them to a 4" tube that would flatten out over the rad and scoop air that comes in thru the nose. However I'm still in the brainstorming fase.
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Naca ducts on the hood

It's a big block with a kinsler cross ram and lucas time metered injection
Nice unit, but expensive.

To come back to the subject : My crossram make the stacks end up right besides the valve covers on the inside. So i could have the air box confined to the top of the engine and have some ducting that goes right to the front, about were the ducting on the 89-92 FI units would be.

I was just playing with some numbers and came to the conclusion that about +.15 bar (1.15 bar in total that is) charging could do the trick for my engine to get VE to about 100 % so that it would produce near maximum power all around.
TT any idea if that would be possible through ram charging ?
Problem would still be to get a large enough "catch" area and cram it in a small diameter tube and then get it to fit the car in the front (which is already crammed with the headlights, frame reïnforcements and such)

BTW : what's all that stuff in front of the nose of that Greenwood car. I know that their frame had lots of changes and a full cage, so I'm probably looking at something that has got something to do with the changes they made.)
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How did you conclude that that would get you 100% VE, and at what RPM exactly (max VE @ Max TQ)? There's a lot that goes on there, rpm, intake efficiency, exhaust efficiency, scavenging, the ram effect, cam/valve timing....blah blah blah.....

I would just make sure you get nice cold filtered air to the intake, no sense in ducting it so that during a downpour you get water in the intake.

As for "catch" area as you call it, do some reading on the NACA (or NASA, naca later became nasa) duct, that shape is not just for shits 'n giggles. It's a low drag intake designed for scooping air from the exposed skin surface of a streamlined body without upsetting laminar flow too much and causing boundary layer detachment & flow separation and also giving a good amount of air into the scoop due to the boundary layer rolling off the sides as vortices and the high speed laminar flow above entering the scoop. I think I posted a little about that in the aerodynamics post I posted last year.

Callaway used it on the non aerobody twin turbo C4s the later aerobodies don't have them anymore (or at least not all of them) because some have the rad laid horizontal and the intercoolers up front with scoops picking up air from the bottom, moving the ICs away from above the hot exhaust.

Another good example is the F40, it has multiple NACA ducts.

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