results of a stuck throttle:

I didn't either, unless the thing got out of control in the parking lot and jumped that curb there by that light pole, at that time the front wheel came off, which dug the front fender into the ground bending it upwards. The fender bending upwards forced the hood up and over, digging into the blower belt, which then snapped ripping the pressured fuel line out of the carb thusly spraying gas all over the headers. Since the fuel pump was electric, it continued to pump gas which only fueled the fire. I tell you them people were lucky to make it out alive.

Or maybe the carb flooded out.

My bro says they hit a concrete pole or something, got airborne and landed on the other side on a parking lot where the car caught fire, probably oil hitting the hot exhaust
Could be, one wheel is missing which could have been caused by the jump over the concrete block. Luckily they did get out in time.
Nearby there is a proving ground of Ford Europe and my neighbour works there. He told this happened more than one. The only thing they do is depress the clutch pedal (if it has one) and let the engine blow itsself up.