S**t!!! Dropped my bike the other day


Formerly Known as Clutchdust
Mar 3, 2014
In transition
Well, to say I "dropped" it is kind of inaccurate.
I was backing out of my driveway. Normally when I back it out, I walk it half way down, until I get past my Suburban, then just do a 90% turn and ride forward out of the driveway. For some reason this time I thought I'd back it straight all the way out of the driveway and turn once I got into the street.
Bad idea.
As soon as I got to the transition and had the back wheel in the street and front wheel still in the driveway I discovered the crucial factor in my error. I'm short. :(
As both wheels were at the high spots my feet were dangling like a child at a bar stool. Uh oh.
By the time the bike moved far enough back for my left foot to touch the ground again I was already at an unrecoverable lean. I fought the good fight, "I'm not going down! I'm not going down!", all the way to the ground.
So I can no longer truthfully say the bike has never been dropped. Although it was very slowly and I was stopped when it went down. The only evidence is very slight, almost imperceptible scuffing on the turn signal and mirror.
Damn! :cussing:
Only damage was what little I mentioned. Have I not posted a pic? Well, let me rectifiy that right now...
2012 Honday CBR250. Bought stock with 9600 miles on it. Put the Delkevic muffler on it for better looks and sound.

Gratuitous selfie. :)

Bummer. At least it didn't happen in a public place with a bunch of people watching!

I only had two nice paint jobs on 35 years worth of bikes. In both cases I fell over for similar stupid reasons and damaged the new paint job. Once when I hit a deep pothole pulling into a tavern parking lot with only one hand on the bars, once returning from a nice 1200 mile trip and forgot to put down the side stand when I pulled into my driveway! From then on, it was spray can black....

Glad you didn't sprain an ankle trying to save it.
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Back in 1990 I had a 1987 CBR 1000 and I pulled up next to a friends pub downtown Bangkok, there was a puddle and when I put my foot down to put the side stand down there was a clear plastic bag in the water stepped on it and my foot slid leaving the bike resting on the curb. That left a broken mirror and scratched body work.:cry:
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