Sanding primer....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
My vette buddy is outta town till end of week, so when sanding DuPont Nason primer, what is considered smooth enough???

if it feels like say 220 sandpaper is that too rough?? how about 320??

some of it is slick as snot....after sanding the obvious defects out....dust, etc...

but how critical is a bit of overspray??? Do I have to wet sand the whole damn mess down to slick as glass??? or is that something done when the final coat is on the car??

I am hoping to just shoot it with single stage Urethane and get done with it....

IF necessary in the future, I am TOLD the base coat can be oversprayed with clear at any time....assume it has to be damage free, obviously...
you should spray at least two coats of primer, sanding with 220-320 in between, spray guide coat and block sand.... then 600 grit before applying basecoat....
you should spray at least two coats of primer, sanding with 220-320 in between, spray guide coat and block sand.... then 600 grit before applying basecoat....

Yup, you can even use 180 to block the first time with a guild coat.

Sand the primer until it's so slick if a fly tries to land on it he'll bust his ass. The better the primer is, the better the finish will be.
Sand the primer until it's so slick if a fly tries to land on it he'll bust his ass. The better the primer is, the better the finish will be.

i've been thinking the next time i do mine i'll take 80 grit and sand in one direction so it looks like brushed aluminum.
Sand the primer until it's so slick if a fly tries to land on it he'll bust his ass. The better the primer is, the better the finish will be.

i've been thinking the next time i do mine i'll take 80 grit and sand in one direction so it looks like brushed aluminum.

You know, if this damn GREEN don't turn out decent, I just may DO that, and shoot with flat about a different affect....that would look cool...

Sand the primer until it's so slick if a fly tries to land on it he'll bust his ass. The better the primer is, the better the finish will be.

i've been thinking the next time i do mine i'll take 80 grit and sand in one direction so it looks like brushed aluminum.

If you decide to do it, I'll buy you the sandpaper.:D
i've been thinking the next time i do mine i'll take 80 grit and sand in one direction so it looks like brushed aluminum.

Foose did that on overhauling, it looked awesome. He used a straightedge (that some helpers held) an guided a scotch pad along it. The base was a metallic silver.
i've been thinking the next time i do mine i'll take 80 grit and sand in one direction so it looks like brushed aluminum.

Foose did that on overhauling, it looked awesome. He used a straightedge (that some helpers held) an guided a scotch pad along it. The base was a metallic silver.

Well, that would hide a lot of pits and scratches....

I am going to work on some areas today with 320, and that's it....getting shot when the paint arrives....that's IT, tired of this shit.....

what happens happens.....won't stay pristine very long anyway what with being street driven daily....:tomato: