So what did ya do with that generator???
We paid the contractor to haul it off. I'm sure it's going to a Kalifornia certified recycling center (Mexico, ocean, desert, etc.).
Last year, to comply with the smog people, we installed particulate trap mufflers on our diesel busses. Very high tech, stylish, etc., and we all FELT gooood! Then 3 days later when they plugged up and put the electronics into alarm, we found out that we had to install 480 volt heaters that would burn off the soot. Our finest minds didn't know that a in town bus would not get hot enough to clean itself. Fine!! They our genious management realized that we didn't have any place to plug in the 480 volt heaters. So, another $37k of taxpayer money to install a charging island.
Now, about a year later, we are scheduled to buy new natural gas busses.
Guess what? We have no way to fill them! So now we are planning a $200k liquid gas storage and filling facility. Does it never end??
Oh, and by the way, we have had a hiring freeze for 18 mos. and have had a few layoffs. More layoffs to come, because------we are broke. Can't imagine why.