Side window spring replacement


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2009
Hi everybody! Fall is here and it's already cold in Cleveland. Time to get my top together. My side glass has been down for years and I'm guessing the springs are sprung because it takes a lot of effort to crank um up.

I've read these springs do go bad. Is it a difficult task replacing them?

Thanks as always

Just did one on the pass side power window, I found 3 old hood springs and hinges at a car show for 5 bux total...they had a slightly larger spring that was the same size metal....and turns....I heated and cut, to sligtly mod the spring to fit...easy do with a propane torch and a cutter wheel....

works like a charm.....

beats hell out of 25 bux EACH what I seen at the parts houses....

you maybe able to see them at junkyards off newer cars, I have no clue....


oh, as for difficulty, not all that hard, just a PIA to get that crank assy outta there, unless your last name is KONG.....
Well I guess that answeres that! Anyone know the current location of Kong?