Snap-On tool chest for sale


Mar 27, 2011
My son has gotten out of the wrench turning business and is looking to sell his gigantic Snap-On toll chest. Let me know if you are looking or know someone who may be intersted and I can get you specs and price.
Pictures and a price would help.

I've got most of the handtools I need. I've got some snap-on stuff, but wow is it expensive. I do like it all though. I just bought a snap-on 1 1/8 inch flare nut crows foot wrench for $37. I fits really nice - no slop.

If you can't get a buyer for all. Maybe sell the tools separately as sets?
I would like to see a picture and know asking price. I'm all filled up on tool boxes right now but you just never know when that one deal too good to pass up will come along.
I'll get some pics posted for you all. The box is about 4 1/2 yaers old and in very good shape. He's selling just the box. He is keeping the tools since he still works on his own cars.
He paid $4,500 for it new and is asking $3,000.00 but that may be negotiable.
Man, I hate to break it to you but he's going to have a hard time selling it for that these times. Granted, I haven't seen pictures of it yet but I see some really nice boxes on Craigslist every day over and over again for that kind of money. Unless it's getting-out-of-jail money, or rent, he should hang on to it as long as he can and hope the economy starts to pick up.
FWIW, I bought an older Snap On box a couple years back off Craigslist for $300. (yeah, that's three hundred dollars) It is certainly an older model but the thing is built like a tank so unless it gets swallowed up by an earthquake or blown away in a tornado, it will probably outlast me.
Man, I hate to break it to you but he's going to have a hard time selling it for that these times. Granted, I haven't seen pictures of it yet but I see some really nice boxes on Craigslist every day over and over again for that kind of money. Unless it's getting-out-of-jail money, or rent, he should hang on to it as long as he can and hope the economy starts to pick up.
FWIW, I bought an older Snap On box a couple years back off Craigslist for $300. (yeah, that's three hundred dollars) It is certainly an older model but the thing is built like a tank so unless it gets swallowed up by an earthquake or blown away in a tornado, it will probably outlast me.

Almost 20 years ago, a neighbor passed away, he was heavy into Ford and Ford racing SCCA style, I still have a trophy of his from my old vette club....outta his basement......but the family came to me wanting to sell his Snap top box full of tools.....whole mess for a grand, I kept the box and maybe 1/3 of the tools and my g/f at the time bought the rest for her son who was still wrenching at that point....

Well guys,
It is what it is. The box looks brand new, outside of the dust it's been collecting, and he's in no hurry to sell. I think I'd rather see it go more than him since it's eating up precious "Vette room" in my garage. LOL!
Talked to him again this week end and he said the lowest he would go is $2,500.
No pic has been posted. Figured I'd see if there was an interest before going through all of that.