Fast Pedalphile
What a fucking impossible combination. I live a block from an elementary school. There are NO PARKING signs planted every 20 feet on both sides of the street. Three times a day there is absolute fucking INSANITY with these god damn school parents and their driving/parking habits. They park in the driveways, in the cross walks and on the corners. They park up on the curb or 3 feet from it. They park diagonally so the end of their vehicle sticks out in the street 2-3 feet. They stand in the MIDDLE of the street and have extended conversations while you have to wait for their self entiltled, my shit don't stink attitudes to get "in the mood" and let you pass. They also LOVE to open the door on the street side of the car and let the kiddies out and STAND THERE with the fucking door open while they block traffic and gossip. :tth: And the fucking COPS do their best to look the other way, they avoid it like the fucking beehive it is.:kissass::kissass::kissass:
The other day I waited to make a left turn on to my street while the oncoming vehicle approached me at about 10 mph. It was a fucking woman on the cell phone who could not walk and chew gum at the same time much less drive a car competently. I blew the horn as she crept by and turned in front of me - NO TURN SIGNALS - she was too fucking busy with that god damn cell phone, but she sure could let go of the wheel and angrily wave her arms at me! FUCKING MORONS! They ought to be video taped and publicly humiliated.....:devil:
Thanks - I feel better now......:thumbs:
The other day I waited to make a left turn on to my street while the oncoming vehicle approached me at about 10 mph. It was a fucking woman on the cell phone who could not walk and chew gum at the same time much less drive a car competently. I blew the horn as she crept by and turned in front of me - NO TURN SIGNALS - she was too fucking busy with that god damn cell phone, but she sure could let go of the wheel and angrily wave her arms at me! FUCKING MORONS! They ought to be video taped and publicly humiliated.....:devil:
Thanks - I feel better now......:thumbs: