Some people have all the luck


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I was talking to one of our members last night. Seems he went into town to do the dreaded DMV trip. Did a registration deal, and got his new license. Then, he went to a casino for lunch. After lunch, on the way out, he decided to drop $20 in a nickel slot and pull the handle. Seems he hit for $72,500. $51,000 after taxes. :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
Not bad,eh?;)
I was talking to one of our members last night. Seems he went into town to do the dreaded DMV trip. Did a registration deal, and got his new license. Then, he went to a casino for lunch. After lunch, on the way out, he decided to drop $20 in a nickel slot and pull the handle. Seems he hit for $72,500. $51,000 after taxes. :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
Not bad,eh?;)

:eek:Yip some people have all the luck. Now are you going to tell us who it was so i can borrow some money :phone:
:shocking:Been ME, a boxing glove would spring from the machine and knock me out.....

truth be told......:bomb::sick::devil:
He better quit now while he is ahead. That chit has a way of catching up. :flash: That is assuming he is ahead in the first place:D

Wow! Congrats whoever you are!

And spend it, women and song.....ya..that's the ticket:D
Damnit, I still have to go to vegas, don't need others cleaning house there :D

Congrats to whoever won that money
I heard a rumor that this guy is out buying a 2003 red/black Z06 today. What do you know about that Bird?

Actually, it's a 2001. But only has 17,500 miles with a 3 year GM warranty.
We pick it up tomarrow, and I get the first drive.:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: