It seems like no one can read or do the math - a local problem? Maybe there are not enough early warning signs? I can see the sign that says 11' 8", quite low for a bridge. The problem is that that bridge clearance was probably once around 13', but with several road resurfacing jobs, one on top of another, the clearance shrinks eventually to 11' 8" or less. Soon a troll will have to duck to pass under the bridge...
OH, that's funny to read just now, as I setting across the street just not a hour ago with my neighbor, and commenting on the stupid resurfacing of the streets around here, much less the continued resodding of the lawns over and over yet again once every 5 years if not more, as the MOUNDS of Sod are all overlapping the sidewalks by several inches, the roots are exposed, and of course the new sod dies back rapidly....and the mounds of dirt and ASSfault are just ASStounding on the dome of the road surfaces, and the ditches at the curbs, most of us are just filling in with concrete so we can drive a SUV in and out the drives without breaking our necks....
so they spend untold bux to resurface OUR street and leave another one around the corner not touched for over 40 years now....I really should photo that street and put it on the net, just to emBARE-ASS the stupid local .gov idiots....the way they do 'business' is just ASStounding in nature....even my kids at age 15 had more common sense than this crap.....
NOW in the case of that RR bridge, I dunno what happened, the RR road bed maybe slowly caved in over years of constant pounding from use.....
either one could be a fault, really, I see the bridge foundations sinking and forcing soil up under the roadbed also....
what that old song....LO BRIDGE, EVERY BODY DOWN!!!!