Squawk squawk, did I fry my dist?


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
Don't you love when you internet dies after you just typed something up and you lose it all?

Long story short, my car was bucking under light throttle after I adjusted the floats. Moved them back down trying to correct, car kept bucking. After several tries, car bucked, motor died, completely.

Came to realize, one of the spark plug wires hidden under the blower melted nicely to the header. Prob down to the copper. Pretty sure this was the source of the bucking. Car will not fire at all. Did I fry something? Next ques, can you fix it or is my dist toast?
Shouldn't be problem, replace (and reroute!) the wire, and you shoud be fine. I'd check all the others though!!
Packaging is a bitch, getting 5 lbs in a 2 lb bag......just ask TT about that....:lol::lol::harhar:
Don't you love when you internet dies after you just typed something up and you lose it all?

Long story short, my car was bucking under light throttle after I adjusted the floats. Moved them back down trying to correct, car kept bucking. After several tries, car bucked, motor died, completely.

Came to realize, one of the spark plug wires hidden under the blower melted nicely to the header. Prob down to the copper. Pretty sure this was the source of the bucking. Car will not fire at all. Did I fry something? Next ques, can you fix it or is my dist toast?

Change the wires. If you can't fix it, it's not broken.:beer:
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Why would 1 burnt plug wire cause the other 7 not to fire ?
A V8 will easliy run on 7 cylinders with one wire shorted to ground. If the engine died, replacing the one wire isn't going to make it run again. If there is no spark, something has fried in the ignition, although the cause is probably not the grounded wire - the grounded wire is coincidental (although it still needs to be repalced).


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