Stack of Corvette Magazines

Corvettes White

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2009
Maybe 4-5 feet tall going back about 30 years. They are in good shape, some classic stuff there.

Make an offer. Pick up in SoCal only.

Low ball offers will be considered; such as Bourbon whiskey, a used Corvette book, a six pack of Mobil 1, or your old girlfriend.

George :rain:


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I have no use for the magazines George, but I'll gladly buy you a bottle of Boubon anyhow.:beer:
Thank for the drink offer Bird. Hope you are felin better after the opp.

I can send a photo but it will look like a stack of mags. "Vette" going back to the early '80's some "Corvette Fever " and some odds and ends. At least four milk crates full.

Anything in particular you looking for? Some of the older issues have stories on the mid '70 cars modified into some very wild Corvettes.

Thank for the drink offer Bird. Hope you are felin better after the opp.

Thanks. I was doing real well after the second week, that's when Phred tripped Teri, and 2 trips to the ER later, she is in a splint. She is all bruised up, with a badly sprained wrist.:gurney:

January has sucked big time, but I go back to work Tuesday. :)
Hell, I'd be interested but it sounds like exactly the same as what I already have. Have issues of Vette all the way back to D. Randy Riggs, and CF about the same time. Almost complete series too. If I was going to be down in your neck of the woods I would pick them up for shits and giggles, but that ain't happening.
Jeff, sorry to hear about you and Terri. When it rains it pours.
Riggs could use a camera! Could take photos of both cars and girls. The new editors are so bad that the mags are not even worth reading.

We met in LV at SEMA BTY.

Just a thought.

Why not donate them to one of the local hospitals, VA, nursing home, something like that.

If it's a non-profit (which most hospitals are), you can get a reciept and claim the deduction on your taxes.

Win-win for everyone:beer:
I asked Bird to see if I could get them to the men and women in the military. The VA hospital is a geat idea! Thanks
Oh, hey George! Nice to put a name with a (screen)name.
I actually like the new guy at Vette, Jay Heath. He may not be D. Randy, but he's a damn sight better than any of the clowns they had in between. I decided to let one of my subscriptions lapse about two years ago and had it not been for Heath, I might have let go of Vette. Turns out I made the right choice dropping CF.