Tach drive rebuilding service.


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I'll be doing a batch of tach drive dizzys in the next few weeks. $100 plus parts. All units are restored to as new, recurved to the Chevy powerbook, and are show quality. It is just easier for me to do batches, as I can buy parts in bulk. Only quality parts from Paragon and Delco are used.:
300$ a month please...supporting feather ;)

I have one, I doubt you'll be able to breathe life into.
The Dizzy on my Case IH 435 Quadtrac needs rebuilt.

Are the parts available? Custom made parts make the price go boom.:flash:
I can rebuild ANY dizzy, but some, like a stock GM HEI, are cheaper new.
The Dizzy on my Case IH 435 Quadtrac needs rebuilt.

Are the parts available? Custom made parts make the price go boom.:flash:
I can rebuild ANY dizzy, but some, like a stock GM HEI, are cheaper new.

amazing that it`s easier and cheaper to buy new than to fix what you have, I guess thats one of the things wrong with our society.....too much cheap shit from China everywhere....at least we aren`t importing hi-rise buildings from China that fall over, on the other hand we do have their toxic drywall in Florida.....it`s all about money..
...at least we aren`t importing hi-rise buildings from China that fall over, on the other hand we do have their toxic drywall in Florida.....it`s all about money..

That's one of my luckier choices in life. They haven't figured out how to import buildings yet, but..............
...at least we aren`t importing hi-rise buildings from China that fall over, on the other hand we do have their toxic drywall in Florida.....it`s all about money..

That's one of my luckier choices in life. They haven't figured out how to import buildings yet, but..............

Which is why electronics and me parted ways in '85, and at age 42 or so, I went into home remodeling....90% kitchens and baths....import THAT damnit...

they ARE importing much bathroom fixtures these daze, and plumbing fixtures too, but the kitchen business seems fairly secure NOW....too many extensive variations....not that the American box makers are very good at it anymore....

around here anyway, can get cabinets built for better and cheeper than the damn stores....

I'll be doing a batch of tach drive dizzys in the next few weeks. $100 plus parts. All units are restored to as new, recurved to the Chevy powerbook, and are show quality. It is just easier for me to do batches, as I can buy parts in bulk. Only quality parts from Paragon and Delco are used.:

Last chance for that "Stocking Stuffer" for Xmas. :mime: