That will just rub out


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
No problem:lol:


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Dean, where in hell you find this and where is the pix from, location of car??

we had some nasty storms drift through here last night, but my burb managed to escape, but Chuck next door told of a buddy of his who had a NICE place down the road a piece, I even visited for a couple beers once or twice over the years.....

WELL a damn tree landed on his house and took out a LOT of the place, bedroom (s) and a bathroom, I not seen the wreckage yet.....

Tell you all what, when I was a little kid, age ten , looking out the front dining room window of Dad's house as HURRY CAINE Hazel roared past....I had seen rain fall straight down, I seen rain fall at an angle....BUT I had NEVER seen rain fall smack dab horizontal......

but when the house jumped what felt like a foot at my age, the Krazy tall black oak from the back yard came down, did not touch our home, but glanced off the top roof/bricks of the neighbors' house went across the street and about 1/2 way down the backyard of the house on the corner across the street make that about 120' tall for that tree.....

when Dad left that burb, he moved us to an open field thing with NO trees around.....and planted trees that there was no way in HELL they could EVER touch that house....saw the place some months ago, and it looked abandoned for all the world....:confused:

My little house here in Florida, WAS surrounded by some FIVE tall oak trees, 3' and more at the base I had them cut down....two of them on neighbor's property, one hit by lightening on my back yard, two huge trees in a Cedar in the tree lawn, and two Palm trees, including a Sego.....three more oak trees to go, and two of them are neighbor's property......

Pardon my Pair A Noya........:hissyfit::hissyfit::gurney:
Gene, I found that picture on the web so I do not know where it came from,sorry.

BTW, horizontal means following the horizon, straight down would be vertical.

Over here we get rain similar to Florida in the summer (tropical):rain:
Gene, I found that picture on the web so I do not know where it came from,sorry.

BTW, horizontal means following the horizon, straight down would be vertical.

Over here we get rain similar to Florida in the summer (tropical):rain:

NO man, I remember that very clearly, that damn rain was blowing past the window with damn nearly ZERO drop, from side to side, I was impressed and still am to this day....the Jax/NE Florida region is rather lucky far as hurry cains are mostly out in the ocean, headed for the Carolinas/etc.....of course Wash DC is about 150 miles from the ocean and so don't get slammed so bad, which is why Hazel is such a record setter for that town....I will never forget that Katrina scene though, the contents of houses just strewn all over the I 10 highway median strip, clothing/bedding/carpets just hanging from the trees, and many of the trees cut down to about 3' tall, like done with a saw ....for miles and miles of road...

then that night in the hooker motel, and the pimps hammering on the door, me with a .357 hollow point aimed directly at the door, they were trying to force open, and John on the cphone calling 911 and the cops showed just in the nick of time, .....but we managed to get our shit/shower/shave and then spent yet another night in the parking lot, under watch of the cops.....and my first customer....a Mrs. Sweet on CANDY Lane...Houston Tejas.....out of that long list, I saw that combination and decided to make her the first contact of my job there....just my sense of humor took over.....
